No Peace. No Justice. | The Odyssey Online
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No Peace. No Justice.

There will be no peace; there will be no justice, until we have finally defeated the systematic racism that runs rampant in the United States.

No Peace. No Justice.

It is with a heavy heart that I write this article. It is with great anger and great disgust that I write this article. But it is with no regrets that we must band together and fight to end the systematic racism that has been exhibited in the United States.

Since the establishment of the United States in 1776, blatant racism and the systematic oppression and violence towards the black community, in particular, has existed. In fact, the United States made agricultural business out of it–– slavery. It honestly confuses me that the "land of the free" turned out to be one of the most oppressive and systematically racist nations in the world; and I say one of the most, because sadly, there are other nations just like it.

On May 25th, George Floyd, a black man in Minnesota, was murdered in broad daylight by Derek Chauvin, a white officer and three other officers on duty. He was held down on the ground by Chauvin's knee, screaming that he could not breathe. After 8 minutes and 46 seconds, Floyd was dead and Chauvin and his team were smitten, all because of a counterfeit $20 bill. Since Floyd's murder, protests and riots wreaked throughout the streets of America, which I, myself have taken part in as well to support the Black Lives Matter movement that is even sweeping the world. So far, this movement has proven to be much more powerful than when it began with the unlawful shooting of Trayvon Martin.

It is unfortunate that we, in the year of 2020, have to STILL be protesting for the end of systematic racism in America. However, we are making huge strides, despite several setbacks. First, Chauvin and his team were held in protective custody following the outbreak of the protests, but now Chauvin has been officially arrested for second degree murder and the three other officers with him have been arrested as well. Second, despite the president's threats to use violence against his own citizens and enactment of fake powers he does not possess, it gives some hope that voter turnout may be higher this year than other years. Third, this looked like a singular problem of a singular nation, but as we clearly see, it has been felt all around the world, from the United Kingdom, to Germany, to Japan and more. Thus, these strides prove that if we stand united, we can change the world.

Now that you are caught up to speed with what has been happening in the wake of this movement, from here on, you will understand why I call it a revolution.

This is the beginning of a revolution against an oppressive system that has long existed in the United states and all around the world–– and it is not the first of its kind. Similarly to the civil rights movements of the 1940s, 50s, 60's, and the gay rights movement in the late 1960's, this revolution began with police brutality and went on to expose the deep systematic racism that is rampant in America. I cannot believe that after all of these years of equality for all and several decades after the abolishment of the jim crow laws, that this stuff still happens today. It makes me very angry that my black brothers and sisters have to fear for their lives every single day because nothing has changed except for the laws, and not the attitudes. This is why Black Lives Matter is here for. It is to make a change that transcends the laws and that is why I stand with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Now, I have noticed and experienced the antithesis of this movement, called the "all lives matter' movement. This is not a movement, it is not a revolution, and it is certainly not anything to be talking about. It is a selfish and extremely racist movement that is pretty much driven by white people claiming that they are oppressed and they feel left out. To me, it makes NO sense because white people have always been the oppressors.

I mention the above movements in different paragraphs because both of them have extremely different ways that they came about and are handled. The "all lives matter" movement is in response to the Black Lives Matter revolution that drives a certain sense of hypocrisy from our law enforcement. This includes the protests and riots against stay at home orders during the current coronavirus pandemic. There were no rubber bullets being shot at protesters, point-blank, there were no tear gas canisters being thrown into the crowds, and there were no arrests or threat of military violence or even macing of innocent protesters–– despite them throwing stuff and yelling stuff at the officers.

Yet, in the Black Lives Matter protests, innocent people were being maced, unprovoked, and news reporters were being shot with rubber bullets point-blank, unprovoked. This was because of the systematic racism that tells an officer that black people are bigger threats than white people, regardless if they have a dangerous weapon in their hand or not.

This is why I protest alongside the Black Lives Matter revolution because I want to make a change and I want to help protect my black brothers and sisters from the systematic racism that has been enabled by our very own President of the United States. I stand with the Black Lives Matter revolution because this is not the first, but it is certainly the last time that we will let this kind of oppression be present in our nation. I encourage you to donate and sign the petitions as much as you can and spread the word. This is an important time. Just posting once is not enough, you must continually tweet, text, talk about this important issue. We need to show what the "land of the free" and what the "home of the brave" really is and the hypocrisy that runs it.

Change needs to happen. Below are links to petitions you can sign and donation links to the cause. I urge you to join us and fight with us for George, for Breonna, for Sandra, for Trayvon and many more.

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