I’m not saying all sorority girls are exactly alike. Far from it.
However, there are a few dead giveaways we can’t help. It’s a part of what makes a sorority girl, a sorority girl.
1. You love
your big/little beyond reason. In your eyes, she can do no wrong. She is
the epitome of perfection, and the fact that she thinks you are too only makes
it better.
2. Your
closet consists of PR, PR, and more PR. You don’t even bother spending time picking
out an outfit for class anymore. All you need is your philanthropy event tank
top or spirit jersey, Norts, and tennis shoes. Every. Single. Day.
3. You
throw what you know every chance you get. Overseas? Throw what you know. In the
mountains? Throw what you know. At the beach? Throw what you know. Selfie at
your house doing absolutely nothing? You’d better throw what you know, just in
4. You
have an obsession with buying things with your symbol on it. Even if you never particularly cared for
your symbol before joining your sorority, you now not only love it, you seek it
5. You
can check your phone at any given moment during the semester and have a ton of
messages from your GroupMe. And the thing is, it can’t even really piss
you off, because you love them all too much. Plus, you actually do want to know
everything that’s going on in their lives. Sisterhood for the win.
6. You
have a box of random clothes stashed somewhere in your room. You have something for any themed party.
And I do mean any theme. The amount of strange clothing and accessories you
hoard could probably clothe a circus.
7. You
craft like it’s your job. Between the gifts for your little, away
weekend coolers, and room decorations, you’ve got this one down. You may even
have a bin full of emergency crafting supplies, including (but not limited to) canvases,
paint, and a whole lot of glitter.
8. You
automatically squat for group photos. How did you ever take huge group photos
before? Oh, that’s right. You didn’t.
9. You
don’t buy nice dresses for every occasion anymore. It seems like there’s a formal or a dated
every other week. Why buy a new dress every time when you can raid your 140
sisters’ closets instead?