Common Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery And The Truth Behind It
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Common Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery And The Truth Behind It

Just a few comments I've encountered after my experience with plastic surgery and the truth behind it.

Common Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery And The Truth Behind It

2017 is an interesting year regarding the cosmetic surgery community. I have seen so many free and empowering women who decide to get small enhancements for their personal self love. Yet, somehow in our generation we are still encountered with judgmental people that will shame on anything you decided to do. So with that, I have decided to debunk the stereotypes people with cosmetic procedures encounter and tell you all the truth behind why I decided to have a breast augmentation and how it was the best decision I have made.

I wasn't blessed in the genetics department. Not only that, but I was also blessed with obsessive compulsive disorder so naturally I would cling to my imperfections and wouldn't let myself live a peaceful life. Naturally, I have the largest child bearing hips known to man, thunder thighs the size of North America, and the flattest chest that you could use it as a table to set your drink down on. In middle school, I was puzzled how girls already had cleavage, so I would google every single trick in the book, from stuffing my bra to wearing three at a time. It wouldn't stop though. Going into high school, I felt paranoid about my chest 24/7. Also, I had a lot of body dysmorphia regarding my weight. So, with all these mental barricades, I was not a happy girl.

In 2016, I decided to go through with a breast augmentation. After years of debating and researching, this was a conclusion that I came to that would make myself happier. This decision, in turn, changed my life forever for multiple reasons. I cannot tell you the overwhelming joy when your dream of having one of your biggest insecurities fixed comes into play; the biggest relief of no longer having to hide from society. The power and pride that you receive from making a decision based on yourself and nobody else. And that is why I decided to have a breast augmentation. Not for attention or approval, but for my own self love.

A lot of people asked me when I announced I was having this procedure that they thought it was a "quick fix for a girl that suffers from low self esteem". I've heard this comment a lot regarding people who decide to get plastic surgery. First of all, it's not a quick and easy decision. To have your body altered by going under a knife is a scary process, and a commitment especially to your wallet. Second of all, the liberation of choosing how I want to look, doing the ultimate act of selfishness while disregarding outside opinions has helped me grow up into more of a woman. To the people that have said this to me, you're totally right. I don't love myself all the time. Did having bigger boobs ultimately solve my insecurities? No. But I cannot tell you the relief I feel not waking up every morning hating the way my chest looks. And I would never regret my decision.

I've heard a lot of comments regarding the look of unnatural breasts. Not only applying to breast augmentations, but nose jobs and any other cosmetic procedure. "You can tell when a girl has fake boobs, it's round and looks fake and gross". If I conducted an experiment where I asked ten random strangers if after a first impression they could tell if I had a breast augmentation or not I guarantee you every single person will say no. Smart people who undergo plastic surgery to tweak what they were born with won't go to an unnatural extent. Regarding breast augmentation, the innovation in technology and implants have allowed for a natural replication of a natural breast.

Another thing that really irks me about the naive population that decides to make judgement on plastic surgery will say that anyone who goes under a procedure is shallow and looks oriented. Do you think I really go around flaunting my boobs for attention? This is something I did for ME. People who get their breasts done, their nose done, hey even Brazilian butt lifts, they are doing something for their personal self love. They want to wake up every morning empowered in the skin their in. The same reason you do anything else for self improvement. Am I going to judge you for dying your hair? No. So why judge me?

I hope that my little insight has changed your views on people who decide to get cosmetic surgery. If not, that's okay. The beauty of the world is that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I'm not here to tell you you are wrong or you are right. But I hope that I have allowed you to open your mind and be accepting of the people around you.

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