Net Neutrality, Our Fairy Godparent Protecting Our Internet, Made Simple
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Net Neutrality, Our Fairy Godparent Protecting Our Internet, Made Simple

The future of the internet we know and love may come with an expensive cost.

Net Neutrality, Our Fairy Godparent Protecting Our Internet, Made Simple
Scott Peters

If you don’t already know what Net Neutrality is, then I’m concerned. Do you not care about the future of social media, binge-watching, online shopping or the source of all education ever because let be real Google is our second brain. Well, wake up and smell the internet sabotage. I get it, the newspaper is scary and it's hard to sift through the overall those over-exaggerated articles and of course, Trump.

Please remove your eyes from Instagram for one second because this information is crucial for your existence here on planet earth. But if you’re not in a serious relationship with the internet then go back to reading your books, I envy you.

Let me break Net Neutrality down for you real slow - your bank account will thank me later. From the turn of the century when the internet started the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulated internet usage enforcing the Net Neutrality Policy.

Net Neutrality is the internet's fairy godparent that opens the portal to our semi-beautiful, semi-corrupt world of the internet for free, and that's saying a lot because when’s the last time you got something for free. She has this magical power that allows us internet lovers to connect to any website with the same accessibility and speed for all. She’s our saving grace, but the FCC wants her dead! Obama always had her back. And Trump is just not team Net Neutrality. The FCC is kicking us when we are down and appealed the Net Neutrality policy. It's f**king rude - didn’t their mothers not teach them any morals?

I’m about to complicate things so you should probably take a seat. If this policy fully gets removed, then we are all going to start paying big bucks for every second spent on the internet. Net Neutrality eliminates streaming monopolies that big companies can buy better internet from providers to enforce the likelihood for users gravitating towards their service over others. Net Neutrality evens out the playing field for all internet companies and users.

Think about it like this, every internet user with Net Neutrality can walk on the same sidewalk to get from one place to another. If the FCC removes Net Neutrality, then people who are willing to pay will be given rollerblades, and those who don’t want to spend more money will get to their location much slower or even to some extremes won’t be able to walk on certain blocks.

For us users there would be no question why we wouldn’t want to keep our special fairy alive, we love her. But for internet providers such as Verizon or Comcast a.k.a. Cruella Deville, they are over our fairy bullsh*t. They feel cheated from companies like Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, Instagram, and Facebook. Those websites are piggybacking on the internet services providers because they aren’t paying for the internet service only the users are.

It’s a complicated system of internet roads, but mostly Verizon and Comcast are getting greedy, they can’t just be happy with our relationship with Netflix. Get over it Comcast you lost your touch no one wants to watch only one episode a week; we want to binge!!! Nice try getting on-demand series though, it was a solid effort, but it's just not the same, OK?

Where we stand right now, as of last week, the FCC overturned the Net Neutrality, and now we are at the beginning of a bloodying battle for our sanity. Isn’t it enough that Netflix raised their prices?!

If the FCC wins, then we are all F**KED. Get ready to start paying monthly for your favorite apps and websites. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe it will revert our evil ways in this millennial/social media world. Maybe everyone will stop using stop catfishing the world face tuning their bodies and glorifying their lives. Maybe this is just what America needs to snap back to reality. HAHA, I’m just kidding you know for damn straight no one's gonna stop, we are addicts! We are just gonna be a new generation of broke b***hes; I blame Trump.

If this is all new information to you, then you are the reason we are in this mess. You were unaware and naive, its fine you are one of many, but this is your chance to redeem yourself and save our internet fairy. Call your local congressman and put in a complaint. We can fight this; the war has only just begun. We are millennials we started this mess; let's finish it!

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