A Nation Certainly Divided
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A Nation Certainly Divided

"Ryan died as he lived: a warrior and a hero."

A Nation Certainly Divided
Independent Journal Review

In his first address to congress, some may say that it was Donald Trump's most presidential speech yet. However, with the congratulators comes the critiques, and frankly with the critiques comes another small, yet vital, tear in a nation that is only at it's absolute best when it is unified.

Political analyst, Dan Grilo, author, Michael Moore, and actor, Bill Maher, can be thanked for exposing this tear.

President Trump set a side a great portion of his speech to honor Carryn Owens, the wife of fallen United States NAVY Seal, William "Ryan" Owens, who was killed in a counterterrorism raid in Yemen last month.

"Ryan died as he lived: a warrior and a hero, battling against terrorism and securing our nation," said Trump.

CNN concluded that the applause and standing ovation for Mrs. Owens lasted a total of 2 minutes and 11 seconds on screen. Both republicans and democrats of congress expressed their gratitude and condolences to the visibly emotional widow, one of the only times Trump received a unanimous applause from his entire audience of differing opinions; and rightfully so.

But then you have the individuals who claim to be apart of a liberal party who is so open minded and caring for all.

Volunteer to both former President, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton during her campaign trail, Dan Grilo, decided to shed his dislike for the current president in the upmost unflattering way; taking it out on the only innocent variable in this equation.

Grilo took to Twitter to state, "Sorry Owens' wife, you're not helping yourself or your husband's memory by standing there and clapping like an idiot. Trump just used you."

The berating didn't end there. Filmmaker and author, Michael Moore, and actor, Bill Maher, took their positions on MSNBC's "Hardball," to once again attack the president by focusing on the most sentimental moment that took place during that hour.

"I wish she hadn't allowed herself to be used as a prop like that. And I don't see any great courage here. Where is the courage? Who wouldn't applaud and stand for a war widow?" said Maher.

Moore joined in the conversation by stating [referring to Trump], "And to use that to put another notch on his belt - and what is he thinking about? My ratings. Record applause. I'm going to get an Emmy for this, most applause for a dead soldier on my watch! This is the sickness of this man!"

What is wrong with the three of you!? Mr. Grilo, how can you condemn the actions of a grieving widow by telling her she was "clapping like an idiot"!?

Mr. Maher, you didn't see any courage in this moment?! You didn't see a woman rise from her seat in front of a crowd of millions and accept the life she must now lead without her husband by her side!?

Mr. Moore, this is the sickness of Trump you're talking about!? If we put Mrs. Owens in front of you after the commemoration she received from the president, whose remarks do we think she would be more hurt by, you sick man.

The hatred that has now ensued from some leftists because of the chosen president has gone above and beyond the level of morality. It honestly terrifies me that some have become so enthralled by their irrational anger, that we may never see unity amongst our people again for quite some time.

Grilo, Maher, and Moore, all I have to say to you folks is practice the party you preach and keep this country kind and compassionate.

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