Mysteries At The Museum: Museum Guide
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Mysteries At The Museum: Museum Guide

"Whether you are a TV buff, history and museum connoisseur or a travel enthusiast, you should continue reading!"

Mysteries At The Museum: Museum Guide

If you love history and travel or the tv series, Mysteries at the Museum as much as I do this list is for you! I have spent hours and hours of my weekends watching this show. Through this show you can learn vast amounts of history for famous people, products, murder mysteries and more! Throughout my time watching this show I have made a list of some of the numerous museums mentioned. So, whether you are a tv buff, history and museum connoisseur and travel enthusiast, you should continue reading!

1. Baltimore Museum of Art

The Baltimore Museum of Art is residence to a globally renowned anthology of 19th-century, modern, and contemporary art. Founded in 1914 with a single painting, the BMA today has 95,000 works of art—with the largest holding of works by Henri Matisse in the world.

Throughout the museum, visitors will discover a marvelous variety of American and European painting, sculpture, and decorative arts; prints and drawings from the 15th century to the present; works by recognized and rising contemporary artists; and outstanding bits and pieces from Africa and Asia.

2. National Museum of the U.S. Navy

The Naval History and Heritage Command, located at the Washington Navy Yard, is responsible for the preservation, analysis, and dissemination of U.S. Naval history and heritage. It is composed of many activities including the Navy Department Library, the Navy Archives, the Navy art and artifact collections, underwater archaeology, Navy history, nine museums, USS Constitution repair facility and the historic ship Nautilus.

3. Hollywood Museum

The Hollywood Museum has the most extensive collection of Hollywood memorabilia. The museum features 4 floors of exhibits, is home to costumes, props, photographs, scripts, stars’ car collections and personal artifacts, posters, and vintage memorabilia from films and TV shows. The museum also showcases the history of Hollywood and the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

4. International Cryptozoology Museum

The International Cryptozoology Museum has as its primary mission to educate, inform, and share cryptozoological evidence, artifacts, replicas, and popular cultural items with the general public, media, students, scholars, and cryptozoologists from around the world.

5. The Bardstown Historical Museum

The Bardstown Historical Museum contains items relating to 200 years of area history. You will find Indian relics, Lincoln documents, pioneer papers, John Fitch land grant, a replica of his first steamboat, Stephen Foster memorabilia, a new Trappist monks' exhibit, gifts of Louis Philippe and Charles X of France, Civil War artifacts and guerrilla Jesse James hat and wine bottle, St. Joe Preparatory School mementos and much more.

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