Why Mr. Ratburn Coming Out On 'Arthur' Matters | The Odyssey Online
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Mr. Ratburn Coming Out On 'Arthur' Is Another Sign Of A More Accepting Generation

Who knew PBS Kids was so progressive?

Mr. Ratburn Coming Out On 'Arthur' Is Another Sign Of A More Accepting Generation

Like any millennial, I hope, I watched a quirky aardvark and his friends navigate life in the show "Arthur" as a child. Now, halfway through my 20s, I'm bingeing on the show's 22nd season, and it's because Mr. Ratburn, Arthur's teacher, came out as gay.

I came out as identifying with the LGBTQIA+ community in early 2017 after years of condensing my feelings toward the same sex. Consequently, I am all on board with a longstanding children's program sliding inclusivity and normalcy into the lives of kids through the screens of tightly gripped iPads and flatscreen TVs.

The episode features the ageless third-grade lot as they bounce around town trying to find a new suitor for their teacher, Mr. Ratburn. Their initial thought of his partner was an icky picky stranger named Patty. Patty was none other than the androgynous icon Jane Lynch. Her character starred as the suit-wearing sister and wedding planner. Name a movie or show Lynch hasn't worn pants in. I'll wait.

The wedding day arrived, and Mr. Ratburn walked the aisle with a tuxedo-clad aardvark named Patrick.

PBS Kids

While there are romantic hints throughout the episode, the buzz around Mr. Ratburn marrying the town's chocolate store owner is static. The characters don't discuss his gender or mention his name at the wedding reception. They do, however, indulge in the wedding cake and gawk at their teacher's dance moves. This is the first time the show has made a reference to Mr. Ratburn's sexuality. And with that, encourages an even greater level of acceptance from the characters of "Arthur" and everyday families.

It is true: queer people exist. We're a part of your everyday life even if you aren't aware. It's super important for children and adults alike to see families like their own on television. I think it's safe to say the writers and producers of this championing program are encouraging children to see queer people as equals.

About damn time.

If you haven't already watched the radiating episode, "Mr. Ratburn & The Someone Special," you can find it here.

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