Reasons Why You Should Move To Canada
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13 Reasons You Should Move To Canada ASAP

BRB everybody, packing my bags and moving to Canada for the rest of my life.

13 Reasons You Should Move To Canada ASAP
Brandon Thomison

Over Labor Day weekend, I was able to travel to Banff National Park with my boyfriend. After living in Montana my whole life, I knew that Canada had something special going on, but never fully understood how beautiful and great this country actually is. After spending a few days here, I have finally realized that I need to drop literally everything and move here as soon as I can. Canada is better in almost every way, read about it for yourself!

1. Lakes, lakes everywhere

Natalee Wheeler

Canada has more lakes than any other country (about 3 million!) and they are some of the most beautiful bodies of water that you will ever set your eyes on. Silt from nearby glaciers makes the water a beautiful torquoise, so a trip to Banff National Park is a great weekend trip!

2. It's a hiker's paradise

Have you ever wanted to hike to beautiful places but maybe aren't looking to commit to a full backpacking trip? You want to see some backcountry without carrying all your stuff? Look no further, because Canada is your place! Many hiking trails are easily accesible from the main roads and have spectacular views.

3. Everyone is so nice! Even the tourists are friendly

In a lot of countries or larger cities, people can get easily irritated or may not go out of their way to help a stranger. However, in Canada, everyone follows the Golden Rule and the Good Samaritan Law. Go hitchiking here, and you may be picked up by some European tourists, the friendliest folks you will meet!

4. Maple Syrup flavored everything

Beer, candy, ice cream, you name it! Even if you don't like syrup for your pancakes, you'd have to be crazy not to enjoy the maple creme cookies that populate the convenience stores.

5. The drinking age is 18

In most other foreign countries, the drinking age is anywhere between 16 and 19. In many regions of Canada, the legal age is 18, so you can go get a cider at a pub if you're feeling it! Not only is it a fun night out, some friendly Canadians may just offer to buy you a round!

6. The air is a million times better

Brandon Thomison

The mountain air in Canada is something you need to experience yourself. Canada has amazing views that will take your breath away, but the crisp air will quickly make you glad that you're there and not in an air polluted city of the U.S.

7. It's prime skier country

It almost seems like there's a ski resort every 20 miles. If you're someone who thrives on winter, snow, and skiing days, Canada is the place for you.

8. Two words: Tim Horton's

If you've never been to Canada, you have never been able to experience the magic that is Tim Horton's. As an avid fast-food hater, even I fell in love with the all day breakfast, warm soup, and delicious potato slices they serve here.

9. Abundance of wildlife

Just another perk of living in Canada is the fact that there are so many animals and cute little creatures. From marmots and chipmunks in the tundra, to the moose and bear in the woods, and all of the big, fluffy dogs in casino parking lots, Canada has it all!

10. Canada has anything from small towns to big cities

Winter in Golden, B.C., CA

If you're a fan of cities, there are beautiful places like Calgary and Montreal that have planty of views and a good city life. However, if rural life is more your style, Canada is also perfect for you. Check out Golden, CA for an idea of what an amazing, beautiful, small town life you could live.

11. Did someone say universal health care?

The public health insurance in Canada covers most health care services, which are covered by taxes. Also, all provinces and territories provide free emergency services, even without a government health card. Here I come, Canada!!!

12. Crime rates are lower

Not only is Canada rated as the third safest country, their K9 unit is possibly the cutest thing you've ever seen.

13. Basically, life is better in Canada

Rated in the top ten most beautiful countries, the third most safe, and a solid nation to get your education. So, if you've been thinking of moving, maybe it's time that you pack up and move to the greatest place ever: Canada.

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