13 Basic Halloween Costumes Girls Can't Stop Wearing, But Really Need To | The Odyssey Online
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13 Basic Halloween Costumes Girls Can't Stop Wearing, But Really Need To

"I'm a mouse, duh."

13 Basic Halloween Costumes Girls Can't Stop Wearing, But Really Need To
Wikipedia Commons

As the leaves turn to orange and shades of red, the crisp fall air reminds us that Halloween is almost here.

Halloween is here, and most of us are faced with the big question: What will you be? This is the time of year to show off your creativity, and have a new or different persona.

Lets face it,we all have that one go-to costume for a last minute party or get-up. Obviously, be whoever you want to be, but show your creativity!

Here’s a list of costumes that should be avoided, and are just plain wrong.

1. Sexy Cat

Let's stop. My cat called; she's highly offended by this.

2. Three Blind Mice

Lets all follow the general rule: if you don't have a certain disability don't pretend you do just for a Halloween costume.

3. Bunny

The first thing that comes to mind is Reese Witherspoons' character Elle Woods.We know none of us will ever be as perfect as she is, so why even try?

4. Risky Business

Lets all admit, we're all guilty of using the iconic dance scene from Risky Business as a costume, even I'm guilty of this.We can also admit it's not a creative idea, and should be put to rest.

5. Sexy Minnie Mouse

Please stop sexualizing my childhood. Minnie Mouse in my opinion is a symbol of feminism. She didn't take no shit from anyone, and quite frankly shouldn't be part of any adults costume. Leave it to the children.

6. Angel v. Devil

Some of us like to think of ourselves as bad bitches, but going as an angel and devil doesn't show that.This has been over used for years and isn't original. Try going as Alice from 'Resident Evil" franchise, she's a bad-ass chick.

8. The Purge

I get it. You think you're bad-ass, but the franchise is dead, and so is this costume.

9. Little Red Riding Hood

This is the one you wear and a million creeps ask you of you're scared of the big bad wolf?

10. Harley Quinn

When Suicide Squad arrived in theaters during summer 2016. Harley Quinn played by Margot Robbie became a pivotal part of Halloween that year, every girl, and I do mean every girl opted for this costume. It's been over done, and we should just let Margot rock this ensemble.

11. Any Profession

Let's be honest, scrubs aren't meant to be sexy. They're made for comfort.

Happy Halloween

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