Why This Feels Like We're Back In The 1960s
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Why This Feels Like We're Back In The 1960s

Media has been influential in our divided country.

Why This Feels Like We're Back In The 1960s
The Guardian

After the presidential election results, the country was silent and sullen. And then it erupted. The United States of America became vocally divided again. Since the election there have been peaceful marches, disruptive demonstrations, and unruly protests. There has been fear, acceptance, or excitement.

It sounds similar to what the history books say about the atmosphere of the 1960s. There is a clashing of conventional and idealistic viewpoints, and traditional and radical lifestyles. The country agrees on creating a new America but is divided on how to do that.

A protest sign of the 1960s (top) and another one in 2016 (bottom) both elevate love above the different things they are protesting against.

There are many differences between now and the 1960s but a major one is technology. Social media played a huge role in the entire election. It continues to be a powerful force. In a communication theory class, I learned the media covers abnormalities. Instead of policies, the public was exposed to news about Donald Trump’s comments and Hillary Clinton’s e-mails because they were abnormalities. The article topics were new, but the tone and the reactions to the news articles were not abnormal. They seem repetitive and reminiscent of a time long passed. Positive or negative media comments created divisive views and hostility between most people who were brave enough to discuss politics.

Social media is fueling the fire burning inside of people. It is the outlet people flock to. Social media allows people to easily access news, stay connected with others, and share their stories. But what about the fake news stories in circulation? What about the online cyber attacks and increased hate reports? Social media continues to create a positive and negative atmosphere. For some, social media is helping them connect with others and facilitating a powerful response. For others, social media has become unbearable and political.

When I look on the internet, on any platform, I feel the deep, deep division in the country. There is a strong undercurrent of fear on both sides. And both sides receive hate and belittlement because of their beliefs. Everyone thinks they deserve to be heard so they shout on social media, and let their voice ring out online.

The problem for us as a society is new media has become so influential and many of us are completely immersed in it 24/7. We are dependent. Addicted. When was the last time you went an entire day without touching your phone or laptop? I am guessing years if you were not on vacation. As a result, we are always connected to a variety of online opinions, and I am not sure if that is a good thing. New media is fueling the turbulent time. Yes, I dare to use the word turbulent. It is not clear what this election will continue to cause, but many results across the country have been already evident.

Thousands of protesters marched in demonstrations across the United States after the presidential election results of November 8, 2016.

In the physical world, many are fighting back and protesting. It might die out, but I doubt it. Social media fuels it. If everyone lived solely in a social media constructed world, inside of their profiles and comments, it would be déjà vu to the 60s. The social media environment has created a divided, hostile, inspired, and active online atmosphere similar to the 1960s that has bled into real life behaviors and attitudes more potently than before. However, it is neither good or bad, as most things are neither black nor white.

There is a large chasm in this country. Like the Grand Canyon, as the social media hate and negative comments on both sides keep flowing, the dividing line will only get worse as it continues to cut away at our country. But if things truly do get worse before they get better, then I am optimistic that eventually the outcome of all of this will create a better future.

Life in the 1960s continued on. We are in the 21st century where media is powerful and forms fear. It can also promote hope that will result in a better America.

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