What will be the MCU's fate after adding Captain Marvel | The Odyssey Online
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Is The MCU Headed For The Same Fate As Star Wars With 'Captain Marvel' Arriving On The Scene?

Will we have Brie Larson to thank for the death of the MCU?

Is The MCU Headed For The Same Fate As Star Wars With 'Captain Marvel' Arriving On The Scene?

With Captain Marvel being released into theaters on March 8th there has been a lot of controversy with fans over some of the things that Brie Larson has said about "Her" movie.

She has made it clear that her movie isn't for men and that she only wants females watching the flick. Well, NEWS FLASH sweetie, If it weren't for the male fans, there would be no MCU for your character to be joining.

Brie has signed on for seven films in MCU, and I can't help but wonder if her being added to the Marvel Cinematic Universe will decline the value of the films and just like Star Wars be overrun with "Strong Female Characters." We all know how that worked out for the beloved Star Wars Saga.

Kathleen Kennedy did a number on Star Wars and pretty much crushed the life out of a beloved Sci-Fi series with her need to make the movies more feminine.

Is it not possible for these nerdy favorites to remain the way that they once were? Does every movie have to be filled with some sort of agenda? Political or feminist overrun.

I am a huge fan of Star Wars and the MCU, but I don't want the movie franchises to die because someone somewhere is trying to make them all-inclusive and make the female characters the lead. I have no problem with the female characters being involved, bring it on! But don't make it all about the women.

If the MCU suffers the same fate as Star Wars and the male characters are reduced to look like bumbling idiots that have no idea what to do until a self-entitled female shows up to correct them, then we can kiss the future of both these franchises goodbye.

Because of the fan outrage of Brie Larson's remarks on "Her" movie, things have been done to back peddle and get people to go see Captain Marvel. Online stores are giving away tickets to the film with a purchase of $50 or more. Rotten Tomatoes has taken away the ability to comment on movies because of the way fans are reacting to the film.

I, for one, cannot speak to the film's validity because I haven't seen it and the likelihood of me doing so is slim. Why should I support a film that is trashing male fans? Because I'm female?

My point to make in all this is that I believe that Marvel will have a hard time recovering with the 'Man-Hating' Brie Larson joining the ranks.

Kathleen Kennedy ruined the last two Star Wars movies, and I think that Marvel is headed for the same unfortunate downfall. I hope I'm wrong and that the franchise survives Brie.

This is one Marvel fan that will be sitting this film out. If Brie had only left her snarky comments to herself about the type of fans that she wanted going to see her movie it may have aired in her favor.

There is one thing that I've noticed about films lately. It doesn't matter the genre; they have become infused with the problems in the outside world. I go to movies to escape the BS of life, not to be reminded of it.

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