To Modern Day Feminists, You Need To Continue The Fight For Women
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To Modern Day Feminists, You Need To Continue The Fight For Women

The lives Western women lead do not represent the conditions experienced by every living woman on this planet.

To Modern Day Feminists, You Need To Continue The Fight For Women

Time and time again, I have listened to both men and women denounce the validity and relevance of feminism in the modern world.

We are told we already have the right to vote and to work. Somehow, someone has declared these factors to be sufficient; the fight for equality is over. To believe this is not only another form of Western superiority and arrogance but a lack of awareness of the conditions many are still forced to live in. There is a significant loss of power when women do not come together in defense and recognition of other women.

Women are still the ones responsible for the maintenance of the household and raising of children. Women are still the ones exposed to sexual harassment within their workplace.

Worldwide,12 million underage girls are married per year.

35% of women experience physical/sexual violence by a stranger or friend

70% of women experience physical/sexual violence from a romantic partner

Femicide has continued to take root in over 25 countries, 14 residing in Latin America

Internationally, women are exposed to exploitative working and living conditions.This is not only a matter of economic and political influences but purposely a gender-based issue. Machismo has long withstood the test of time.

Men exert their pride through violent and aggressive forms of masculinity.

Domestic violence continues to be overlooked, especially within cultures that promote strict gender roles. Men are valued more than women, and the term ‘feminism’ has been used as a way to claim hatred or discrimination against men, excluding the real objectives of the various feminist movement strides that are attempted globally.

We currently live under an administration that has repeatedly demonstrated sexist remarks and behavior. ‘Locker room banter’ has been a means of justification in waving aside crude and degrading conversations and conduct on behalf of young, or old, men. Boys will be boys, after all, we can’t blame them, so they say. There is a critical problem when half of the American voters have sided in favor of a man who has objectified, slandered, and harassed women.

Society is quick to judge ‘radical’ feminists.

They are defined as barbaric, inappropriate, and the epitome of nasty women. Meanwhile, rapists are sentenced to a mere three months in jail in order to avoid any blemish on their reputation.

The U.S. currently ranks #49 in terms of global gender gaps in economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.

There are significant changes that need to be made within America in relation to the way women’s lives are valued. Only then can we be justified in defining our society as an ‘equal’ one.

March has been dedicated towards the awareness of women’s history, resulting in the outpour of encouraging quotes empowering girls and women of all ages and races. But our involvement cannot stop there. Unity is key in fighting oppressive powers, and no stronger force exists than the power we have as a community of mothers, wives, fathers, husbands...sisters, and brothers.

Positive change only comes when the people demand it. We have the right to demand it.

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