Marriage is About Love Not Gender
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Marriage is About Love Not Gender


Marriage is About Love Not Gender

Not Asking For Anything More Than What I Deserve

Although Same Sex Marriage is now accepted in most states it’s always been a subject that concerned me. So I decided to look up the top reasons why people were/are so against it. I understand people have religious beliefs that they need to follow as well as grow up in an environment where being gay is a sin or just frowned upon. But the last time I checked I control my life and I may choose to love anyone I feel makes me truly happy. And I have found that person and I have lived on a crazy roller coaster ride with him for 2 years now. Sure we have our differences but what couple doesn’t. We love, and feel about each other the same way any heterosexual couple does. For some, it may seem unnatural or wrong but for us it’s as natural as when a man falls in love with a woman. And just like when a man finds a woman he loves and chooses to take the next milestone in their lives and proposes to her, one day we would like to do the same and have the same rights after we get married.

Here’s the top 4 reasons why people don’t want LGBT Community getting married and here are my opinions on each of their arguments.

  • It’s about tradition and religious beliefs.
  • Why should they get special treatment?
  • Procreation.
  • If we give the LGBT the right to get married who else will we have to give the right to marry?

Tradition/Religion states that marriage is the union between a man and a woman yes I agree with this. Traditions are meant to change. Especially when society is rapidly changing. Over the years we as a society have had to change many traditions in order to adapt to new creations, inventions, and ideas. If it is that much of a problem for two men or two women to get married in a church like everyone else, then there are other ways for us to get married outside a church with an ordained minister. We just want to be able to share our love with our friends and family just like any heterosexual marriage. But it’s not just saying the words “I do” it’s about getting the same legal rights after we sign the paper bonding our love. Which brings me to my next subject that people think we are asking for special treatment.

No lie this was one of the arguments I came across multiple times in my research. Are you serious? SPECIAL TREATMENT? OK what are these people on because I think I need some to try to understand this argument. We are not looking for any special treatment. We are looking for the same exact rights that heterosexuals have after they get married. We aren’t looking for anything different then what everyone else gets when they get married.

Let me ask all the heterosexuals this, besides being able to join taxes and being able to sign all your savings and belongings over to your loved one if you died I want to ask a question that may be a little harder to answer. Say one day your beloved wife or husband was driving home from work or from the store and a drunk driver hits them. Your significant other is lying in the hospital in critical condition on the verge of death and you get a call because you’re their emergency contact. You rush to the hospital your significant other is in a restricted area for only family member’s and spouses. You want to go see them so you go up to the front desk and ask to be let in. Then they ask are you a family member or spouse and you say spouse. We’ll your allowed to go in and see them and be there for them right? Well what if you weren’t allowed. What if because you are LGBT and didn’t get married by traditional standards you were denied access to go in and see your significant other. Now I hate to get dark but what if, in the time your significant other is in that restricted area they pass away. Due to a flawed system you have just lost your significant other and you were not allowed to be there with them. Never able to say goodbye or that you love them because your marriage wasn’t legitimate according to the government and state. I hate to do it but let’s go one step further. For those of you who are parents. Say your divorced and your ex-wife or husband calls you to inform you your son/daughter is in the hospital. Now imagine you were denied access to see your son/daughter. Imagine someone told you that your child is very sick but you’re not allowed to go into the room because you are not their biological parent. That’s what the LGBT community went through. Some people who have lived together their whole lives and shared everything together just like heterosexual couples were unable to be by each other’s sides when it was time for them to pass. Now imagine how you would feel if that happened to you and ask yourself if you wouldn’t stand up for those rights. Speaking of children though let’s move on to the next argument people have with same sex marriage.

With Procreating people are afraid of two things. One, since were gay we won’t be able to procreate. Well to me that doesn’t seem like a bad thing because to be honest some people in this world shouldn’t be creating anything let alone another human. But if we are all Gods creations then God made us this way. Maybe he made LGBTQ people so that the world doesn’t get over populated. There are plenty of other people making babies in the world so if the small percentage of LGBT community isn’t procreating I don’t think it will decrease the numbers drastically to extinction. The second issue people have is that if we do procreate there will be more gay people in the world. Let me make one thing clear here, if me and my boyfriend have a child through segregate or adoption that does not mean the child will be gay. Being LGBT is not a choice, it’s not hereditary, it’s just who we are and how we were born.

On the topic of adoption though people are afraid that gay people won’t be good parents because there isn’t the presence of a man and a woman. But what about all the heterosexuals who have procreated and have abandoned their children. Or the ones that have gotten their children taken away for being unfit parents. No one is perfect whether heterosexual or homosexual. There are plenty of heterosexual parents who are unfit to raise children or be parents your argument that we would be unfit parents just because of who we love is ridiculous and unfair because there are heterosexuals who can be just as unfit. They’re are statistics that prove that having gay parents does not guarantee the child will be gay and proven facts that even though the children are raised by two men or two women doesn’t affect the way the child is raised in a negative way.

Fact: My parents obviously aren’t gay but I am so your theories are just blinded stupidity sorry not sorry.

Now this is one that I kind of have to agree with but will still put my two sense in. People are afraid that if we get the right to marry then what’s stopping the other groups like people who partake in beastiality or others who perform incest and want to marry a family member from rising up and wanting to have the same rights as well. I can’t speak for them but I won’t stoop down to societies level and tell someone they can’t do what they love. I may not fully support it and I apologize for that, but love is love and no one can tell me who I love so I will be damned if I am going to judge someone else for who they love.

The last thing I wanted to say to all the religious activist that like to shout and rally on how being a homosexual is an abomination and a sin, I would like all that have read this article go one to google and search “where in the bible does it talk about marriage.” Actually I’ll make it easy for you and put the link on the bottom of this article. I want you to go through all the things it says in the bible about marriage and check to see which of those readings people now a days uphold in a marriage; because from what I’ve seen more than half the married people in this world do not follow every word in the bible that pertains to marriage. And there are plenty more reading in the bible that people don’t abide by but I guess you’re allowed to pick and choose which readings and lessons of God you want everyone to follow. Now that is what I call unnatural and untraditional but who am I to judge.

What the bible says about marriage. Practice what you preach or don’t preach at all.

Happy Reading.

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