21. Why is this person standing directly in front of me and blocking my view of the game? | The Odyssey Online
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59 Thoughts Marching Band Members Have At Football Games, At The Beat Of Their Own Drum

If you're in marching band you definitely shared some of these thoughts.

59 Thoughts Marching Band Members Have At Football Games, At The Beat Of Their Own Drum
Armando Justo

In This Article:

Every band members favorite day of the week is gameday. While gameday is a lot of fun, there is a lot of work to be done during the day for bands. It is a long day and there so many thoughts going a marching band students because there are so many things that we have to. So here is an inside look at the thoughts that are most likely going around in marching band members' heads throughout the football games during the season.

1. What’s happening?

2. I cannot see anything

3. My feet hurt

4. I made it through pregame

5. Can I sit down now?

6. Smile!

7. Smile again!

8. Yay!

9. What time is it?

10. I am tired

11. First quarter is over already?

12. I missed that play, what happened?

13. Who has the ball?

14. When is third quarter going to be over?

15. Please play my favorite stand tune!

16. Do I remember where my drill spot is?

17. Smile for the third time

18. Cheer!

19. I don't know what that means?

20. Does my hair look okay?

21. Why is this person standing directly in front of me and blocking my view of the game?

22. I missed what just happened...

23. I am hungry

24. It is so hot

25. How do I sweat this much?

26. Where are my pom poms?

27. Are we winning?

 28.     Man, football players are really tall

29. I am really short

30. I wonder who is in the mascot outfit

31. What is the stand dance again?

32. Clap!

33. What did the referee say?

34. I am cold

35. I cannot feel my toes

36. I have to go to the bathroom

37. I cannot feel my fingers, they are frozen

38. My face hurts

39. I don't remember how to play that song

40. When is halftime going to start

41. Really, another time out?

42. Why aren't my hand warmers working?

43. I hate the rain

44.  I will never be dry after standing in the rain for hours

45. I love band 

46. I still don’t understand football 

47. Yay they are playing my favorite 

48.  I wish I could have concession stand food

49. Selfie!

50.   What song did the director say?

51. What a good game

52. I love band again 

53.  Is it nap time? 

54.   That play was amazing!

55. That looked painful

56. I love football

57. That was fun!

58. What a good game

59.   I cannot wait to change out of my uniform and go home 

Even after writing down almost 60 thoughts, I am sure I am definitely missing a few. If you are in band I am sure you can think of about a thousand more!

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