July: the 7th month of the calendar year. The weather is beautiful and all of the flowers are in full bloom. For most college students, summer break is prime time for summer classes, internships, summer jobs, Netflix marathons, and if one has time, maybe catching up on a little sleep. The middle of July also marks the halfway point of summer vacation.
Yes, I might be the first person telling you this, but your summer is flying by so fast! Maybe you are the person who has a jam-packed schedule this summer and you are just looking for a break in your crazy life. Maybe you are a working away at a summer job or internship and you need some personal time. Maybe you're relaxing--hold that thought--lounging around indoors all day watching Netflix and need to step outside to be reminded what birds, trees, and the sun look like. Whoever you are, you have half of your summer left; what are you going to do in that time?
1. Spend time outside.
Summer days are great for catching up on some much needed outside time. The weather is normally perfect for enjoying the sunshine and the warm days. If you are swamped during your summer days with work or classes, make sure that you soak up some sun. Plan a getaway to a local park, or take a nice stroll around your neighborhood. If you have ample time in the outdoors, take a book--yes, that is still a thing--and enjoy a few chapters! Or you could call a friend and catch up while you're walking around the park too!
2. Plan a weekend getaway.
Sometimes, you just need to get away for a little bit. If you have a free weekend during these final weeks of summer, take that time to take your mind off of all that you're doing this summer. Plan to meet up with friends if you live close to them, go visit family, or even plan a short trip to a nearby city and explore. Even driving can free your mind and put you at ease. If your weekends are full of obligations, no worries! When you have free time during the week, maybe just drive around for a little it to break up your daily routine.
3. Try new things.
You have a little over a month left before you return to school! During the school year, your schedule is going to be full with classes, meetings, organizations, and many other commitments. In that busy time, it might be difficult for you to try new things. Take advantage of this last little bit of summer and attempt new things. These "things" could be as simple as trying a new daily schedule: maybe waking up earlier and going to bed earlier too. They could also be new activities like learning a couple new recipes or trying a new book or outdoor activity. Whatever it may be, give it a try!
4. Enjoy it!
Yes, you read that correctly. Whether you are working and only have a little bit of time, or you have plenty of time during the rest of this summer, take advantage of it. Don't let the final summer days slip by too quickly. Take time to slow down and enjoy before the busy life of college starts again soon! You won't regret it!