Lululemon Athletica: A Sucker for Details. | The Odyssey Online
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Lululemon Athletica: A Sucker for Details.

It's the 'little-things".

Lululemon Athletica: A Sucker for Details.

As soon as I say the store name "Lululemon Athletica", I bet most of the population will immediately think of black leggings and/or the red, inspirational shoppers. What most people are not aware of are the little details that are put into Lululemon clothing. There are separate teams of people within the company whose jobs are to literally make sure each strand is stitched the correct way, each color is exactly what they had imagined, and most importantly, to make sure the clothing is not see-through in the wrong places. I'm not saying that other stores clothes are bad quality or that you should only shop at Lulumeon, but I would like to inform people on 7 'little things' that add into the obsession and love of Lululemon Athletica clothing.

The zipper elastic doubles as a hair tie.

Yes, you read that correctly. The elastic attached to the zipper with the logo bead on it, was made with this secret use in mind. The more you feel and stretch this elastic, the more you can see it's other use. The material is almost the same as a standard thin hair elastic. How may times have you gone straight from class to the gym and forgot your hair tie? It might just be me, but it's a common occurrence. I pray for this to happen when I'm wearing my define jacket. These helpful little ties are found on jackets and bags.


The company was developed in Canada, but this is not a weird Canadian word. Lululemon has trademarked this word to describe the extra flab of fabric they put onto most of their long sleeved items. These built in mittens are an extremely likable feature that helps to keep your hands warm on cold days. Not to be too graphic, but it is also appropriate to wipe you runny cold nose on this piece too. (We've all been there, don't lie).

The size in is the pocket.

Ever wondering what size you pants, jacket, or shirt is? Your tag is ripped off so you think you're doomed. Nope, check the pocket. There is a little, round sticker in there to let us know. It's usually hidden, so look closely.

Camel-toe no more.

A down fall in buying tight clothing, whether its yoga pants, or running leggings, is the fear of sporting the camel toe. Lululemon is well aware of this so they add in these pieces of fabric between the legs for greater freedom of movement and to prevent tight fitting shorts, pants, or crops from riding up. This fabric is also moisture wicking, so if you prefer a commando workout, all power to ya!

Inspiration within the clothes.

Not only do inspirational quotes take over the red shoppers, but certain pieces have them sewed into them. Need an extra boost of confidence or reassurance? Flip over the bottom of your Switfly tank, short sleeve, long sleeve, or jacket. "Life is too short for the treadmill".

360 Reflectivity.

Ever wonder why when you take a picture in your lulus and the logo always comes out super bright with the flash? The creators originally had a night runner in mind. 360 Reflectivity add details that are discreet during the day and bright at night.

Body part specific venting.

When you sweat during physical activity, it's often in certain places more than others. Underarms, lower and middle back, and chest area (lower sports bra). Lululemon uses body mapping to determined where our bodies need the most air circulation and moisture-wicking. They have strategically placed technical fabrics in these said areas. Pretty sneaky.

If you read this learning at least one thing new or intriguing, good! Lululemon Athletica is so much more than just workout clothes . The whole mantra of the company is to elevate the world from mediocrity to greatness. The little details of what goes into making these articles of clothing are often forgotten or just unknown. Athleisure may be the new style trend, but take some time to learn about the love that goes into the clothes. And always remember: free hemming at any Lululemon Athletica location!

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