Love Yourself, Not Your Body Type | The Odyssey Online
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Love Yourself, Not Your Body Type

You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Love Yourself, Not Your Body Type

What Is Body Positivity?

Body positivity is all about loving yourself for who you are and not worrying about what others will think of you. Body positivity is always trying to bring positivity to all body types but all it does is discriminate and separate the ideal standards from the people who don't look like the girls in the magazine. It is bad and wrong for people to try to bring positivity but yet only have skinny people. You can't be able to say you love yourself when society is telling you there are specific standards you must reach before they love you such as blonde blue eyed 90lbs or less. Being called skinny is almost always a good thing and used as positive while fat is always portrayed as bad or ugly. If you were to look up body positivity and look at the pictures there are some that have all skinny women then one big girl. How is that positive? Just because they add a big girl into their group suddenly it's all better? All bodies are beautiful bodies!

The Body Positivity Movement Does NOT Cause Obesity


Media has such an impact on youth today but it's taking a negative impact on how the youth views themselves. They want to look like the girl in the magazine but even the girl in the magazine doesn't look like that. There is so much bullying based on size and looks. Bullies are more insecure so they try to make others feel bad so they can feel good about themselves. The media is always telling everyone they need to look a certain way and act a certain way. In reality tv shows it's all about who is the prettiest and the skinniest, the one with the best body. You never see a big girl on the shows and if you do she seems to be the one to laugh at. On social media they always use filters and can never be themselves because they are so worried about what others will think of them. There are so many headlines about body positivity but it shouldn't even be there. Body positivity should just already be there but the fact that skinny beautiful girls are calling out others saying what they do for body positivity when they can't imagine what other girls are going through. Being socially accepted is worth so much in the eyes of the young.

Is Social Media Busting or Boosting Your Stress? | Everyday Health

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are such a serious condition that is beginning to plague most of our youth. It negatively impacts health, emotions, and the ability to function in life. The most common disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Biology can also affect disorders, such as if people with first degree relatives with an eating disorder they may be more likely to develop a disorder suggesting a genetic link. Psychological and emotional problems such as depression or anxiety are closely linked with eating disorders. Modern Western culture emphasizes thinness and it can be seen as beautiful with social standards.

World Health Day 2019: Common myths & misunderstandings about eating disorders- Technology News, Firstpost

Perception over time

During the prehistory to the 1900s there was a focus on full figured silhouettes. Some of the earliest known representations of a woman's body were portrayed as round, pear shaped with large breasts and curves. Artists continue to portray the "ideal" woman as curvy and voluptuous all the way through the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 20th century corsets became popular among women but it also caused many health problems. Being a "thick big girl" was often a sign of wealth and of good fortune. The rise of eating disorders paved the way in the 20s through the 50s. Slender women's bodies started to appear in magazines and an epidemic of disorders occurred among young women. In the 80s and 90s became the rise of supermodels and obesity. There became more of an emphasis on strong, athletic and toned body types. Anorexia nervosa was associated with the highest rate of mortality among all disorders during the 90s. In the 2000s a loss of self confidence began to arise. Even after all the perception it really only matters what you think of yourself and how you feel. But all I know is that every person, man and woman, were created in the image they were meant to be. They are beautiful human beings who deserve respect and honor.

Body Positive Sculptures – Curves a la Mode


There are many ways to prevent eating disorders but it all starts with open communication. Talking to someone can always help or bring that person to talk to. Encourage healthy eating habits and how it can boost mood and energy level. Discuss media messages and encourage your person that they are beautiful and shouldn't worry about what others think. Don't make or allow hurtful nicknames, comments, or jokes based on a person's physical characteristics, weight or body shape. Also share the dangers of dieting and emotional eating. But first and foremost always let the person know how beautiful and wanted they are in your life and in everyone else's.

Raising Body-Positive Children | Safecity

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