I remember when I was in high school, I was always one of the few students who participated in class. I always felt the need to debate with the teachers and their ideologies and question them further about the topic at hand. Most of the time my classmates would take the opportunity and take a nap while others would just listen quietly while doodling. I was labeled a teacher's pet when in reality I was just really interested in the class. I love college because everyone here is very opinionated and has their own personal stance on many topics of discussion. Most of them even have solid reasonings to back up those opinions. College is a place where people come to share their knowledge and ideas with others.
In my experience, college students seem to be much more open about current events than most people. The reason for this is most likely due to the fact that we all come from different backgrounds and various walks of life and we all have something to offer. Some of us might be from the more wealthier side of society and therefore carry with us a whole different perspective on the world around us.
On the other hand, you can have students who have seen the worst that society has to offer and still shine light on the issue in a way those who are more privileged never imagined. I love the fact that college acts as a mixing pot because in reality, its preparing us for the real world. It gives us all the freedom to express ourselves and our beliefs in a way that not only challenges us but makes us question ourselves and the world around us.
We as human beings tend to only want to know what we have been taught. It is not very often that we allow ourselves to broaden our horizons and learn about things that may be foreign to us. That is why it is very important for young people to have these discussions with one another as often as possible. It is not enough for a person to be educated from one viewpoint. "For a person who draws their education from only one source is the most uneducated person in the world."