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Can we all stop acting like we are dumb and just accept the fact that police in America do not give a f*ck about Black people? It’s either that or they are poorly trained or just know that they can get away with anything. Either way police in America are losing the trust of the American citizens, many whom are Black. Is there any excuse or reason to shoot at a man who is totally non-threatening and on his back explaining everything that is going on? If you watched the video, you understand what happened and if you find a way to justify the cops’ action then you’re a moron. Luckily, the man shot Charles Kinsley is still alive and not six feet under because this is just ridiculous. What was really going through that cops head? Maybe he said to him “Well I have a gun. I see a Black man. Cops have always shot at Black people for no reason and usually get away with it, so I guess I must do the same."
It’s really crazy because when I heard about the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile shootings, I heard there were tips and procedures created for Black people to follow when encountering police. Well I guess it really doesn’t matter, does it, because either way the police will find a way to shoot you when you are Black. You walk away, you get shot; ask a question, you get shot; lie on your back with your hands up, you get shot. I really don’t get it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we started hearing police shooting Black people in their graves. The officers' reasoning would be is that the body would be decomposing in a way that was to threatening and he feared for his life. Even when Mr. Kinsley asked the officer why he shot him, the officer’s response was “I don’t know.” That’s a real scary response when it comes to shooting a gun. What's really crazy is that the cop shot three times. Not one, but three bullets at men who were non-threatening. The more I write, the more I get pissed off.
The more I learn about the situation, the crazier it gets, also because the police union representing the officer said that “the officer was actually trying to shoot the autistic man but he missed.” Wow, and here I thought the officer was just shooting at a man because he was Black, but in all reality he was trying to actually shoot an unarmed autistic man who posed no threat. Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I smell some bullsh*t because, really, either excuse that’s used doesn’t justify the cops’ actions. You have a black man on his back who is unarmed and non-threatening and also an autistic kid who is non-threatening but you still decide to shoot not once but three times. Also this situation all started because someone called the police and said that someone was threatening to kill himself with a gun. Well the cops definitely handled this one correctly because instead of having someone shoot themselves, they probably figured it be best if they did it. Like really, someone is deciding to kill themselves and you decide to shoot at them instead. Well, that’s police in America for you.
You know the reason the situation really annoys me is because it’s just like any other story. It was an accident and an innocent black man got shot by accident. Well enough with the fucking accidents because black people have gone through so much stuff in this country and we get nothing in return. We have been slaved in this country, beaten, tortured, our men and women have been raped in front of our children in this country, when you do research you realize the real struggle of being Black in America. It’s hard to just say everything is going to be alright because I’m Black and ever since I was little, I was told I have to always be better cause I’m black. I will get looked at differently because I’m Black or police will be more likely to accuse me of things because I’m Black. Now that I’m 18 and I see, hear and learn more I see that it’s scary to be Black in America.
There are so many things I have to worry about and it’s not fun either. When I walk into a store, will I be followed because of my skin color? Will I be accused of something because of my skin color? When I apply for a job, should I really choose to say that I’m Black? When I pass by police officers, will they stop me for no reason? Or when I go to a job interview in the future and I meet all qualifications, will they see me as a strong candidate for the job or just a nigga. Or will I be the next Black man shot without justice. It’s tough being Black in America because I bet if Mr. Kinsley was White, no bullets would’ve ever been fired. Take this article whatever way you want but I don’t care because this needs to be said, not sugar coated, because people need to realize the truth. I fear for my Black brothers and sisters because in America we get treated like we nothing.