I’ve been lucky enough to live across the hall from one of the most amazing and caring people I have ever come to know. My older brother is one of those people you can say the most heartfelt thing or dumbest thing to leave your mouth, but he will accept you and love you just the same. Older brothers make you want to rip your hair out, but you have an indescribable relationship that has made you into the person you are today. Growing up together has been the biggest blessing, and I can't even believe I have never uttered a “thank you.”
Thank you for fighting with me.
You have helped me become a stronger, well-spoken woman. Our fights tended to be petty and pointless, but those times going back and forth forced me not to give up because how could I ever lose a fight?
Thank you for showing me the ropes.
Whether it was riding a bike or how to get on the good side of a teacher, you have shown me survival skills to get through childhood.
Thank you for letting me hang out with your friends when I felt like I had none of my own.
Middle school would not have been bearable without you or your friends, so thank you for helping me through.
Thank you for laughing at me.
You’ve taught me not to take life too seriously, which I have been notorious for taking way too seriously.
Thank you for breaking your arm.
Being a four-year-old of an injured brother, I got some cool presents and candy from family members, too.
Thank you for taking the blame.
You could sense when I was having a bad day and still willingly took the blame for things just to make my day a little bit easier.
Thank you for ratting me out.
Although you did take the blame sometimes, I definitely needed you to get me into trouble. I was a little mischievous as a kid, so I definitely needed to be put in my place.
Thank you for giving me the bigger piece of cake.
Even though the baby fat was so real growing up, you still gave me the biggest piece of cake. It was so minuscule then, but now I realize how hard it is to share food, (personal issue) and it actually means so much.
Thank you for being who you are.
Thank you for being respectful of women. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for seeing me on my absolute worst days, but love me like it was the best day of my life. Thank you for never letting me forget what I deserve, and I should never settle for less. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
I can bet that being the older sibling was never easy. You probably hated me when I got my way, or when I was lifted of chores because I was too young. You’ve kept my life interesting and wonderful, and I feel horrible I have never said thank you. Never change who you are for anyone, and remember, I will be standing right behind you in anything you do. I have always been your biggest cheerleader and always will be. Thank you, thank you, thank you.