Now that spring semester is coming to an end, everyone is going back home for the summer. If you're a resident student like me, you know that saying goodbye to the people you’ve become close with over the past year (10 months, but it might as well have been) sucks.
It didn't take long for me to call up my roommate only a few hours after she left—we ended up ugly-crying on ooVoo at 2 in the morning, trying to make plans to meet up somewhere between Central and South Jersey.
It was when Carrie* was mentioning how much she would miss her boyfriend Jared* that I realized how difficult it would be to maintain a long- distance relationship. Long-distance in general is tough, but during college - where $$$ is tight and transportation is a pain - it's hard to keep that connection over the span of FOUR MONTHS. So, this letter is for you; an assurance that your relationship can, and will, last the summer.
1. Learn the importance of communication.
The time you get to spend talking to each other is vital. If you and your significant other are able to spend some time talking each day, either through text, phone, FaceTime, or even Snapchat, you can let them know that you're thinking about them.You also find out how their day was and get to be a part of their life, even though you're miles and miles away
2. Learn to love in a different way.
As antiquated as sending letters might sound, it's definitely a different approach to communicating your love. Be creative and find different ways to surprise each other. This one couple on Instagram, @shinliart made an account with side-by-side photos when they were on opposite sides of world!!!
3. Leave a part of yourself with them.
Carrie gave her boyfriend her stuffed animal Dave to hold onto during the summer while he's in Honduras. Another friend's boyfriend gave her his favorite soccer jersey to keep until they see each other again. Anything that is special to you, or would be to the both of you, is just a cute little reminder of who you're waiting to be with again. Having a piece of them with you is also a comfort for when they're not around - it's a reminder of what you're fighting for.
4. Consider the distance.
Be understanding and find a compromise if you two choose to travel. You don’t have to drive hours out the way. Try to find a town where you two could meet to make the expenses a little bit more cost effective.
5. Don't get frustrated.
It is going to be difficult and frustrating; there's no doubt about it. You have to remember how much you love each other and, if anything, this is a test of how well you two do with time apart. Know that long-distance is possible. Don't give up on each other or your relationship.<3
*Names have been changed
For more inspiration, check out this video on surviving long-distance by Mikaelah Villacruz, and go on her channel for more amazing videos!