23 Things You'll Undoubtedly Face When You Put 8 College Girls Under ONE Roof | The Odyssey Online
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23 Things You'll Undoubtedly Face When You Put 8 College Girls Under ONE Roof

You have to schedule house pictures months in advance if you actually want to get us all there.

23 Things You'll Undoubtedly Face When You Put 8 College Girls Under ONE Roof
Casey Lofton

In This Article:

"This house has laundry, parking, a great location, and cheap rent. Oh... and you get to live with 7 other girls!" After a year and a half of cohabitating with 7 of my best friends, I can say that it is an experience, to say the least.

1. You lose track of time talking about nothing

The amount of times we've been up in the dining room at 1am talking about the latest episode of Steven Universe or watching sloth videos is embarrassingly high.

2. Fridge space is limited

Eight girls and one fridge? Yeah, let's just say even with two mini-fridges, it's still a little tight.

3. With 4 gallons of milk, it's hard to remember which is yours

It's hard to remember whose stuff is whose anymore...

4. You quickly learn everyone's shower schedule

Unfortunately, hot water doesn't last long... so planning showers is one of the first things to happen every semester.

5. Random ice cream runs happen on the weekly

With eight girls, at least one of us is bound to be stressed or emotional. And with the school year ending and plus-dollars accumulating, we need to spend the money somehow...

6. We use the same vernacular

Once someone starts saying a phrase, we all start using a phrase.

7. Need someone to come to an event with you? You've got 7 people you can ask

Don't want to go to a random event by yourself? Text the GroupMe and there's a solid chance someone is down to join.

8. We run the dishwasher.. a lot

Sorry, Earth. Eight girls eat a lot of food.

9. We're hardly ever all in the same room

It's rare that all eight of us are in the house at the same time. If we're not sleeping, we're out conquering the world.

10. Therefore, you can imagine how long it takes to plan for us all to hang out

That cover picture you see at the top of this article? It took us months to coordinate our schedules and make that happen.

11. Chore charts are a must

With eight people living in one house, it gets dirty fast. Therefore, delegating chores and keeping each other accountable is key to a clean living space.

12. We rock group costumes

Halloween is really a month-long ordeal of coordinating with everyone to make stellar costumes.

13. Torture comes in the form of hearing people having fun in the living room while you're trying to do work

The death of all work: "I'll take a quick break and see what they're up to."

14. Periods eventually sync up

It's not a myth, people.

15. You always have someone to proofread an email or essay for you

You have an extra pair of eyes (or two or three) to catch typos and help you properly get your point across.

16. Finding the washer and dryer free is rare

Good luck using the washer and dryer on the weekends. However, mid-morning on the weekdays are a pretty safe bet.

17. We love birthdays

We use any and all excuses to celebrate.

18. We have enough food to survive an apocalypse 

The shelves in the last picture give you only a glimpse of our supply.

19. Your house becomes known as an entity

A lot of people that don't live with us just refer to us as "The Well" and we've come to accept it.

20. If you need opinions about outfits, there's always someone willing to share their input

... and with eight girls, you can get someone to help build an outfit as well as someone to compliment your appearance no matter what you wear (and tbh, we all need that sometimes).

21. Being in the kitchen during meal times can be dangerous

There's a very elegant choreography to master when it comes to navigating the kitchen during dinnertime.

22. There is a quote wall

If anyone says anything funny or weird, we immortalize it by writing it down and putting it on the wall for all guests to see. The real kicker is that out of context, they rarely make sense.

23. There's always someone there to give a listening ear

Seven housemates = Seven friends who love you and are there to listen whenever you need something or are struggling. They're so good, they even know where you sleep.

When I tell people that I live with seven other girls, they're always shocked and ask if we've killed each other yet. No, no we haven't. Living with seven of my best friends has been amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world (even if it meant more fridge space).

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