How To Get By When You Are Living The Broke Life
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How To Get By When You Are Living The Broke Life

Stretch that Dollar!

How To Get By When You Are Living The Broke Life
Robert Nathan Johnson

My friends have a nickname for me. It is “Bruddah Souljah”. They find me to be one of those militant Black men. I would argue that I am not militant, I just tell the truth. I like to share the interesting things I am learning on my way to a law degree. I also like to share what it is that God has in store for me, (helping minorities that are caught up in the justice system). I tell them, “If you want to call me Bruddah Souljah, get it right, don’t forget to put BROKE in front of it!!!!". You see, as a *ahem* mature student, I have had to learn to re-adjust my spending, and believe it or not, it has worked. I am actually in a better position financially being broke, than I was when I had more money coming in than I knew what to do with. So, what have I learned? A lot, but, I am going to break it down into six easy steps.

#1. Bills: As odd as this sounds, pay ALL of your bills ON time. This will cut back on late fees, worry, and the embarrassment of having something shut off like electricity while you are entertaining, or have to iron to get to work or school. It can also help to avoid unnecessary trips to housing court, begging for more time to pay your rent. Once all your bills are paid----save your receipts. I actually keep a book with all my receipts in them. You have no idea how many asses I have had to successfully jump into when being accused of not paying a bill. I have discovered that having receipt in hand while showing out makes it harder for them to accuse me of being just another angry Black man.

#2. Savings: Once your bills are covered, and hopefully you have paid yourself AS WELL, make sure to set aside a few dollars just to save. The amount doesn’t matter, even if it is one or two dollars a week. Trust me it adds up. Now, to be clear, I am not talking about the rainy day kind of savings (that is later, after the tips). Right now, we are talking a serious savings account. Find a bank that doesn’t require you to open one with a certain amount of money. Make this account in a DIFFERENT bank than the one you usually bank at, and take your debit card (if you are not comfortable in refusing the one offered), and put it up. This is an account you are NOT to touch until it is time to retire, unless you have a serious emergency. You simply put money into it on a weekly, bi-weekly basis, (whenever you get paid), and then forget all about it. It is there in case of serious emergencies, but otherwise not to be touched. Tickets to the Jets game or running to see your favorite artist because some tickets to the hottest show has just become available, does not count as an emergency. My emergency fund has come in handy recently. I had a mishap with a cap on my tooth--on the side front of my mouth, JUST as school was about to start. I could not roll up to Columbia all snaggly in the mouth, so I knew I had to get it taken care of ASAP! Now, truth be told, I did know that since I would be returning to the same dentist to ONCE again to have this corrected, I BETTER NOT have to pay bro bro a single red cent, but, I took some money out of the savings to avoid any unneeded scenes. Lucky for THEM I didn’t have to pay, and I returned the money to my savings. I say lucky for them, because had they done the job right in the first place, I would not have had to make a return trip (although I did loosen it on some hard candy…mints...but still). As it turned out, because I suffered a "delay" in my paycheck, and I had to use that money with my ON TIME paycheck to pay the $500 seat deposit for Columbia University.

#3. Clothes: Gotta brag here for a moment. Someone in my church told me that they love the way I dress. They told me that I am always dressed so sharp, even when I am causally dressed. I know this, and quickly and loudly informed them as such. THEN I thanked them. They believed me to be joking, but I was not. I KNOW I look good. Anyway, they asked me where I shop. It gave me much satisfaction to see the look on their face when I told them the truth. I go to the Salvation Army, Goodwill, or any thrift store. When it comes to specialty stores and department stores? I do two things. I watch and wait for something to go on sale, or, I buy clothes that are "OH MY LAWD!!! Deemed last season"! I bought a Shear-ling coat for $30, in the summer. I put it in my closet, and once winter arrived, I had a new winter coat. I just so happened upon a stoop sale, and someone was (I won’t say dumb…I will use the word KIND) enough to sell me a velvet pin striped black jacket for FIVE DOLLARS! I have worn this thing to church and people go crazy over it (I know this is no reason to attend church, just pointing something out). The best way to get everything together is take something new from a department store, mix it with something you bought from a thrift shop, and you have a one of a kind style, all your own, that cannot be duplicated if tried. Online has great deals as well (use debit, not credit), and I also do what I call comparative shopping. If store A has a black jacket that is out of my price range? I see if store B or C either has it or something cheaper that is of a close resemblance. I often find the one that resembles what I originally wanted, looks better and cost less! PS this also works for home décor!

#4. Physical activities: I am a gym head (haven’t been since school started, but I will be working my way back in). There are plenty of ways to save on a gym membership, but the best one is to, well use your brain. There is nothing wrong with spending little money to get in a workout. Planet Fitness is my new gym, and I am happy with it. I am also afforded as a student to use the gym at Columbia University. Now, I HAVE to brag on this savings. I train in Jujitsu. The fee is $150 per month. The gym is $10 per month. Now, I have placed my training on hold because, for $200 dollars, I can train in Jujitsu at Columbia University for the ENTIRE semester. I am saving $450 dollars. I have since learned that they also have Judo! Yeah, I will be checking that out! I am still keeping the membership at Planet Fitness, because I am not in school every day, and I do like to work out six days a week.

#5. Just hanging out: If you live in NYC, there are plenty of things to do believe it or not, in NYC that are ABSOLUTELY FREE. Coney Island has dancing, so does Bed-stuy and Fort Green, Brooklyn (my hood!). Everyone goes, and it is free. There are many street fairs, block parties, and of course if you have friends, parties’ period. There is nothing wrong in going out on the town, and splurging. I usually do this once or twice a month. I am about to go to a Gala benefit dinner this Thursday (tickets are $150). Democratic Representative for New York, congressman Hakeem Jefferies will be there---I name dropped...its all good (psst, I too hope to get into politics myself). This event is to celebrate the 100 year anniversary for Brown Memorial Baptist Church. I have known about this event for almost a year now, and have saved a few bucks here and there until I had enough to pay. Another way to go out and have a great time, a club, or a church function as a member or guest.

#6. Food: You have to eat. Limit your buying your food out. The money you plop down at a restaurant can put enough food in your refrigerator for at least two days. If your bills are paid and you don’t have to worry about the man cutting off your lights or inviting to pack up and kick rocks due to non payment, stock up on groceries. Don't forget to watch for and then hit ALL sales. By dry and can goods that have a long shelf life. Visit the farmer's market…and cook cook cook. Don't know how? Do like I did, YouTube and TV. Hunger will bring you to the stove even if you have to invent something. Once you cook, learn how to store the leftovers so that they will keep. Bring your lunch to work/school (if you can). If you eat out at lunch time (which I admit I do here and there---ok, A LOT), then do not go out to eat that night. Leftovers are your friends, and do not be ashamed to use coupons in the grocery store. I mean, if some of us New Yorkers can go to the store with screaming babies, house shoes, curlers, pants sagging down to our knees and whatever else without feeling any type of shame, you can reach into your pocket and produce a coupon. Now, you can download them onto your smart phone!

EXTRA: I did mention that I would add something about the savings at the end of this. Here it is. One of my saving graces? A glass jar. Every single night when I come home, I dump whatever change is in my pocket into this jar. Laundry? Boom. Low on transit fare? Boom. A quick bite to eat in the rare instance I am too busy with school and work? BOOM. Taken care of. This money adds up. There have been times when I have had three dollars in the change jar and other times when I have had thirty. One time, I had fifty dollars in the jar. So, you can surmise that I don’t constantly dip my hand in the jar. It is “house savings” and laundry only. Think of it as household petty cash, use it when you are in a pinch. And there you have it, a few tips from a broke assed Black mature college student. Try it out, it works!

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