The struggle is real. Really, though, it’s exhausting.
Looking around campus, everyone is doing their own thing, walking with coffee cups in their hands, keeping pace with their friends. Life is good. Hills might be annoying, but they’re manageable.
Then there’s me... the girl on crutches. Crutching around is difficult, but not impossible. The key is not to let it get in the way of going out with friends and other campus activities (except sports because that would be awful). Over this week I have realized that the crutch life is rough, but not the absolute worst thing in the world. There are pros and cons, so here are some I’ve picked up this week.
PRO: Conversation Starter
When you’re first meeting people, it’s a nice excuse for them to come up to you. Usually the conversation goes from there. If not, their loss, you’re a good person.
CON: People always ask what happened
It’s nice that they care, but repeating yourself may make you feel like a broken record. You might feel the need to start making up stories soon. Seriously, that's how redundant it is.
PRO: Cutting long orientation lines
I mean, if someone offers for you to go ahead of the line, you will. I did, and it was great.
CON: Being exhausted all the time
Not only do you have to walk around campus all the time, but also add on the extra effort of crutching around campus. It really makes you think about where you go.
PRO: Getting really good cardio and arm strength
Because you are restrained from most physical activity, this is all you can do, but at least it’s something.
CON: Not being able to carry anything in your hands
When you pass a Starbucks or Dunkin, you reminisce about the days when you could stop in and walk the streets with your cup of coffee in your hand. But now you can’t because you’re holding onto crutches. So not college.
PRO: People carry your stuff for you
Friends offer to carry your bags, food, dishes, and even your crutches if you’re doing steps. It’s really nice. It makes you feel cared about. How sentimental.
CON: People carry your stuff for you
The flip side is that you lose your autonomy, which sucks. I feel bad accepting their offersbecause I feel like I should do it myself, but others may be 100% okay with it. It just depends on the person.
PRO: Getting through a crowd
Make way for the girl on crutches. People actually do hold the door for you and move out of your way. There is kindness in this world.
CON: Blisters and rashes
Pretty obvious. It’s expected. It’ll eventually callous over.
CON: Pity looks and long stares on campus
Yeah, having two metal sticks kinda makes you stand out. You didn’t ask for this to happen to you. Congrats, you’re now the “sucks for her” girl or guy.
CON: Finding a doctor on campus for follow-ups
It takes time out of your schedule to see them, too.
CON: Takes longer to get somewhere
Giving yourself extra time is eh. You have less time to sleep and time to chill with your floor because you have to leave early to get to class on time. I guess it teaches you responsibility.
CON: Depending on shuttles
Your schedule runs around the shuttle system. Then you miss the shuttle and have to wait 20 minutes for another one to come… the worst.
CON: Not being able to keep up with your friends
People walk so fast. You crutch so slow. Some things aren't fair in life.
So the cons do outweigh the pros, but it just takes some getting used to. Just think about how great it will be to walk on two feet again... if you aren’t cheating like me… Sorry but not sorry. It’s necessary at times (sorry doctor). I’ll be waiting for the day to shove my boot in my closet, but until then, I'll be looking to invest in a scooter so I can change my name from "crutch girl" to "scooter girl".