Life as a Denison student is difficult, comedic, and sometimes downright cringe-worthy. Trying to balance the workload of classes, extracurriculars, meetings with professors, eating food, sleeping, and finding time to breathe can be more than hectic and stressful. Some of the moments encountered on a regular basis as a student here have reminded me a lot of the gang from "Parks and Rec" (see below.)
PSA: Don't forget to treat yo self.
1. The feel when they took the waffle maker out of Huffman...
(And don't get me started on the Panini Press.)
2. Checking Blackboard or Notebowl for your grades feels a lot like...
*thumbs up*
3. When Denison Crushes has never featured you...
4. Walking up the stairs from the gym or South Quad.
And cry and fall down and drink a milkshake and eat my weight in Papa John's.
5. Trying to eat Curtis/Huffman dinner...
Can someone please explain why I just spent $8 on a stale piece of bread and a bowl of Fruit Loops?
6. After a professor assigns 2 essays, an exam, a group project, and a presentation in a 3-week time span.
Why. Just why.
7. Seeing your friend on DenisonSnaps living their best life...
Yes, Ron Swanson. You go, Ron Swanson.
8. Trying to eat healthily but making one of those 2 AM trips to Jolly Pirate instead.
You earned this, you hardworking Denisonian.
9. Looking at the Denison calendar and realizing that MLK day is celebrated a week late, Winter Break is only 3 weeks, and we don't get classes off for Labor Day...
I don't understand.
10. Walking into Slayter to use your declining at 1:00 PM and seeing how long the line is.
All I wanted was a quick lunch.
11. Talking to your advisor about next semester/internships/what you want to do with your life.
Everything is fine. Really. I'll just take more GE's and figure it out later.
12. When the Swasey bells play a song you know on the way to class.
It just puts a pep in your step walking towards A Quad, ya know?
13. Walking all the way to the Nest/The Snatch in the dark...only to realize it's closed.
(And swearing you can actually taste a snagel or flatbread in your mouth the whole walk back).