Okay all of my LGBTQ+ friends, let's pour ourselves a collective drink and toast the fact that 2016 is almost over. It was a rough year. From the tragedy at Pulse to electing the worst president/VP combo in the history of the United States, we deserve a break. 2017 is going to be a year full of mystery, and I can't sit here and tell you that everything is going to be better and magical and that we'll shine like the rainbows we are. The important thing is that we stick together. And in light of the holiday season, let's stroll down memory lane and think of some of the happier times.
1. Samira Wiley of OITNB got engaged
Especially after how sad it was to see her character go, this made everyone a little less upset.
2. Katy Perry met with Tony Marrero, a survivor of the Orlando shooting
THIS FAM. The song ''Rise" helped Marrero when he was recovering, so meeting Perry was a dream come true. Perry also made it more special by paying for his first year of film school. Cue the tears.
3. This Syrian refugee couple was reunited
After months of separation just after their engagement, they were finally able to be together in their new apartment. Their celebration is a reminder to us all to enjoy the small moments in life.4. Lily Madigan fought for her rights to wear her preferred uniform, and won
The England teen fought against her school to wear a female uniform, and for them to respect her name and pronouns.5. And this teen took his boyfriend to prom in secret and they slayed
The 2 were proof that love wins even when people are against you.
6. Two former Bachelor Australia contestants fell in love with each other
Former competitors, then friends, then love. Where is their TV show?
7. The most pure review of rainbow suspenders started circulating
The internet dug up this gem of an elderly gentleman buying a pair of suspenders for his 46th pride parade. The review is so precious and gave everyone the feels.
8. This pair kissed at an anti-Trump rally
This photograph is a beautiful example of what people are fighting for, to be able to keep love like this alive.9. #transtakeover happened on Twitter and the world wasn't ready
So many beautiful people. It was a great way to spread awareness, and allow transgender individuals to show off their pride. Feel free to do it again any day in 201710. The city of Orlando bought Pulse to turn it into a memorial
June 12th is a day we are never going to forget. Pulse Nightclub, having once been marked as a site of tragedy, is now a place of remembrance. We can mourn the lives that were lost, but we can also show our love and strength.11. This Rio volunteer proposed to her girlfriend after her rugby match
She didn't get the gold, but she got something a little better.12. The best gender-bent Halloween couple
Click here to see even more adorable Halloween costumes13. Speaking of Halloween, #iconic
Neil Patrick Harris & Co always kill it for Halloween, but this was pretty great.14. Sarah McBride made history
She became the first transgender woman to speak to the National Convention. She works at the Human Right's Campaign and is fighting to make change and generally making the world a better place.15. We were gifted this music video that gave us all the emotions
OH.MY.GOD. I love Ruby Rose and this music video KILLS me. It's happy and sad and adorable and heart wrenching and just please watch it, kthanks.
16. Troye Sivan paired up with the Ally Coalition to raise money and build awareness
Everyone at this point knows my love for Troye Sivan. He's an LGBTQ advocate, and took it a step further this year by donating part of his ticket profits to the Ally Coalition. If you haven't checked him out, please do so right now because he's the best.
17. Ellen got the medal of freedom and the world cried with her
Ellen inspires the president, Ellen inspires us all. There is no need to explain this because everyone knows that Ellen is Queen of all.
18. We celebrated our pride all over the world
After Orlando, we needed these parades. It was to mourn and celebrate. We needed each other for strength and guidance. We flew our flags all over the world to show that love always wins.
19. We're still here
We're here, we're queer, and we're not going anywhere. We may be divided and scared, but we're not going down without a fight.