It's never easy coming to a new school and feeling like just a number. A number in a sea full of students who wear the same type of clothing, hats, and shoes. Many of these students seem to have the same types of personalities, very different from your own. So your natural instinct (something we're taught since birth) is to try and be just like them. It's normal to want to blend in with the "cool kids."
Middle school never ends. Here's a tip. Don't. You don't have to change for anyone.
Starting over at a new school, whether you're a transfer student or a freshman, is not all it's cracked up to be. You look at all the faces at orientation and wonder why you feel so different. Is it the way you talk, the way you dress, or the way you think? Maybe it's all of it. So you do the opposite of what you should do, you lose yourself within the crowd. Of course, you don’t wanna be alone with no friends, so why not start drinking on weekends to impress your roommates? Or start wearing leggings when you’d rather just wear jeans? They like you more when you're not your normal, goofy self.
Must be awesome right? Not. College is a time for self-expression, and to show off what embarrassed you back home. Leave all that need to be the perfect stuff back in high school. You’re in a place full of different personalities and life stories, you'd be surprised at what some people would tell you about their past if you asked. Don’t think that everyone is the same because of who you met on the first day of class. Stop making yourself miserable to impress people who aren't even in your major, nor the people that are. You won't ever see half of them again, even after this semester. This may seem like a cliché article we've all seen before to those reading it, but I know there are so many girls out there just like me who feel lost and want to feel accepted by a group. Or at least someone. But don’t force yourself. Not fitting in with the crowd is actually something to be proud of. You’re different. Don’t be ashamed of it. The world needs more people like you, the dreamers, the ones who inspire. Those are the people who are going to end up changing the world someday. Not those who blend into their own comfort zone. The ones who do will end up being your average employees at that awesome clothing store you’ll manage someday. They won't last very long cause you’ll get bored of their uncreative efforts. You’ll want someone like you, working for you. But for right now, just keep going.
You’ll meet people who share your goofy sense of humor maybe in a matter if minutes at the dining hall, or maybe not for a few months at the Halloween event on campus. But your people are out there. So keep doing you girl, you got this. Without all that heavy makeup and tight pants you hate to wear. Wear the sweats and your favorite hoodie. Shoe the world how awesome you are, one day at a time.