A Letter To President Donald Trump
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A Letter To President Donald Trump

"Don’t encourage hate, don’t promote women as sex objects and don’t tell them that it’s okay to degrade someone because they are different. "

A Letter To President Donald Trump
Donald Trump

On Friday, Jan. 20 of 2017, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America. Congratulations, Trump. You went from being a joke to a man that holds one of the most powerful positions in the world. Please use it wisely. I never was and never will be a supporter of you. That being said, I’m happy you get to experience this opportunity. As a millennial who watches the news, I observed a thing or two about Obama over the past eight years. There are three things I hope you get out of the next four years before Kanye takes over. The first topic is your responsibilities as the president, the next is how hard it actually is to run a country, and third humanity. The eyes in that skull can only see black and white, now it’s time for the grey. Trump, I believe that you could be a good president, I am trying my best to be optimistic. It’s hard when you spew nothing but bigoted rubbish. If by some stroke of God you end up reading this, take something from it, please.

The first topic is the actual responsibilities as the Commander-in-Chief. Other tasks besides holding the codes to nukes. Responsibilities of defending all 27 amendments, not just the second one. The Constitution is a key part to the development of our nation. You shall not break the Constitution no matter how badly it sucks. Another responsibility is help pick up the pieces after a tragic event. You mustn’t blame anyone until there are facts to back it up, remember that. Don’t go saying that Muslims caused an attack when it turns out to be a Caucasian man from New York. Another job is to handle those situations with humility. The last thing, us, the people want to hear is a man yelling about the event, we are looking up to you for guidance. Don’t yell, speak like a normal human being. You’re loud, we understand. I appreciate that you are headstrong though. Don’t forget when you must speak for events you don’t support. Stop lying to yourself, you don’t stand behind LGBTQ communities. Especially, your vice president, who wants to bring back electroshock therapy. That's completely absurd! If an event pops up like the Orlando shooting again, you will have to go and speak, it’s your job. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget that you are the head voice of the public now.

The second topic is understanding that it is a pain in the ass to be a president. You will go in there as a young 70-year-old-man and come out in the year 2020 looking like a skeleton from the Mummy movies. I know looks are everything to you, but you signed up for this so take it. Also, remember that you will get judge on every single move your body makes. The so called “thick skin” won’t shield the words coming into that brain. They will try and break you, don’t open that mouth that holds no filter. That will only anger the millennials more. Don’t bite back because that’s just childish and one needs to grow up out of that habit. Can’t sit on the golden throne tweeting at three in the morning. Nope, your new job is to run the top country in the world. You should make rash decisions or else the whole world will, in fact, hate you. I wouldn’t recommend the Russia situation, best leave it. What do I know though, I’m only an 18-year-old liberal that was an avid Bernie supporter? This isn’t a cakewalk, this isn’t something you can throw to the side and wait for it to crumble. This is America and you’re now the leader.

Third and final topic, learning humanity. Donald, my dear leader, you are royally fucked in this department. First, you say you’ll build a wall between Mexico and America and make the Mexican people pay for it? You’re hilarious. How would you like them demanding that from us? Oh, wait, you could never because you’re a privileged white man who can grab women by the pussy. That my friend, is called a sex offense by the way. Being a president, you must know that there are actual people in this country. People with feelings and strong opinions. Maybe their suffering will come off on you as it did for Obama. That maybe the people you hate so much are just trying to live like everyone else. I hope you learn equality. That you are just as human as the man standing next to you and the woman halfway across the country and the child on the other side of the world. Realize that in the end, most humans have 206 bones, 12 organs, five vital organs, 10 toes and fingers, two ears, etc. You get the point. Remember that not everyone thinks like you do, can’t change their mind either. Especially on touchy topics like abortion and global warming. Also, please don't take away our rights to marry. The LGBTQ community has been working so hard to make this country a safe place, please, let us keep that. Also, don't let Pence bring back a torture device. It's 2016, powdered wigs are in our past, might as well put turning the gay off in people there as well. According to the CDC, 44,073 people were infected by the HIV virus. It's not going to go away because the government snaps their fingers. Again, welcome to Earth, reality sucks. As the president, you should learn how to properly communicate with the whole population of your country and others outside of it.

In conclusion, I spoke about the responsibilities you might face, the fact being president sucks, and that you should learn about humans. This is not a joke anymore, Mr. Trump. You are now the face of the U.S.A. Please treat is as if it were your child. Don’t encourage hate, don’t promote women as sex objects and don’t tell them that it’s okay to degrade someone because they are different. Wish you a wonderful four years in office, and I hope to not see your name again on the ballot in 2020.

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