A Letter To My Dog As I Leave For College Again | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To My Dog As I Leave For College Again

Sadly, it's that time of year again...

A Letter To My Dog As I Leave For College Again
Sara Clemens

Dear Bennie,

I just want to start out by saying you are the best little pal I could ever ask for! Even though you snapped and growled at me the day we brought you home I knew that we would still become best friends. Thanks for loving me unconditionally and always being up for an adventure even if it’s just a car ride to the grocery store.

I promise that, just like the past two years, I will come home and visit! I could never forget about you and all of the fun times we’ve had since I brought you home seven years ago. I don’t want you to feel abandoned or left behind, because believe me, if I could bring you to college this year I ABSOLUTELY would in a heart beat! I’ll need you to hold down the fort while I’m gone and raise hell every so often to keep dad in line.

I’ll try and Facetime you as much as possible, but if I fall behind with it don’t get mad at me, college is nuts. I already can’t wait to be reunited with you and I haven’t even left yet! I promise when I come home and visit I’ll take you for a run or a walk, whatever you’re up for! I know that the first few days without you are going to be rough at school, and I can imagine that they won’t be too easy for you either. Every time I see a dog at school I immediately think of you and how much I love and miss you. I get tempted to drive home right then and there to see you but sadly I pay too much money to skip class.

I don’t want you to ever think I could replace you because you’re one of a kind Bennie! I’ve yet to see another dog sit outside the bathroom door and cry whenever I take a shower because they missed me so much. I’ll try and make it home for your birthday this fall but if I don’t, please forgive me. I’m getting sad looking at you sleeping right now knowing that in less than a week we will be 120 miles away.

Take care of Phoenix and make sure the feral cats don’t push him around too much. I’ve tried to Google ways to sneak you into my room at school but your bark is loud and you bark A LOT (another reason why I love you) so it just wouldn’t work out. I’ll miss our snuggles and seeing your excited face whenever I walk through the front door. Please don’t forget about me buddy and stay out of trouble while I’m gone. I promise when we’re reunited it will be like I never left. I love you, Bennie!

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