By now we've all heard about the tragedy that took place at 2 AM Sunday morning on June 12, 2016 in Orlando Florida. We've seen the news reports we've read the numerous articles, and we've formed our own opinions about what happened, and how to solve the increasing gun violence in our country. Right now I want you to take a minute and reflect, not on what Obama said or Trump said, or how so and so thinks this and that could fix this problem and how you think that's stupid. I want you to really reflect on what happened. I want you to forget about all of the conflicts that have risen out of this tragedy and focus one thing.
Hope. Faith. Love and tomorrow.
Yes this sounds cliche, yes it may seem too small to make a difference. But let me tell you something, the victims of this tragedy weren't planning on their tomorrow turning out how it did. They did not think that because how they love is different from somebody else's idea of how they should love would end like this. They were normal people like you and I enjoying themselves. They had plans for their tomorrow, and they had their own idea of love, hope and faith.
If I learned anything this past weekend it is that we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. There is no written contract that tells us when our tomorrow's are done. No matter how much we plan for a tomorrow we want, that is not guaranteed. Life is too short to hate people who's ideas are different than ours. We are all humans trying to survive this crazy ride of life. We are all human, we all make mistakes, and we are all different. However, no matter what our differences, we all deserve love. We all deserve hope, and we all deserve a better tomorrow.
Instead of focusing on how we can "fix" America why don't we focus on being kind. Everybody deserves love and everybody deserves to love. Nobody is the same, and that's called being human. If we all had the same ideas and liked the same things what would this world be like? There is a beauty in being different and a beauty in bringing harmony to our differences.
Instead of arguing and focusing on what is the right action to fix this, focus on being kind, and accepting that every one human being is different. Just because someone doesn't love the same as you doesn't mean we should hate, and turn to violence. We are all different and that's the most beautiful thing about being human.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Orlando and the victims and their friends and families.
Also with Christina Grimmie and her friends and family as well.
We are Orlando.