Dear Mom and Dad,
I know this is day is going to be hard for you. Your little baby is all grown up, leaving home, and headed to college. I might not show it, but this day is emotional for me as well. I'm going to miss you guys a lot. And Mom, please don't cry too much, because that will make me even more heartsick when you leave.
I'm ready for this; don't worry. I've got all the sense and knowledge with which you raised me, along with the education you've set up for me since kindergarten. For example, even though it's summer, I remembered to pack some sweatshirts in case I get cold indoors. I know I spent the summer rolling my eyes at this advice, but I'll admit it came in handy sometimes. I double-checked the packing list to make sure I have everything, but don't be too hard on me if I still managed to leave behind something important, like clothes hangers or a laundry basket. I'll probably try to blame someone else for making me forget so I seem less irresponsible, but in all likelihood it's probably my fault.
As much as I love you guys, there can be times where you say or do something that makes me feel embarrassed. I know it's just part of parenting, but I'm really nervous about making good first impressions. I'm going to hug you a lot, but if I heckle you about squeezing me to death in front of a large crowd of people it's because I want people to see a strong, independent person coming into this campus.
I know you want to introduce yourself to my roommate, and there's no doubt you'll want to strike up a conversation. But please don't dominate all of the conversation with the person I'm going to live with; it makes me feel like I'm a child and my parents are speaking for me. I want you to be comfortable with whom I'm staying, but grilling them about their summer or what they like to do are talking points that I want to use to warm up to them. And if I'm too hesitant to talk to someone at first, please don't get on my case. I'm not being antisocial, I'm just a little nervous and still trying to adjust. Trying to make good first impressions while I'm setting up my life in a new environment is a lot to handle. Also, please please PLEASE no weird jokes or embarrassing stories.
I'll try and call home regularly, but in the first few days I'll be so busy trying to acclimate, find friends, and get involved that I may not be available as often as you'd like. There's also a possibility I'll forget to call entirely. I promise that it's not because I don't miss you or I don't care. And if I don't answer when you call, I assure you I'm fine, I'm just busy and I'll call you back as soon as I can.
I love you and I'll miss you more than I say or express. I appreciate all of your last-minute advice. Just trust me and support me, because I'm ready for this.
Your completely responsible college student