This is coming from a girl who dated a guy for two years and he didn't know I had curly hair until the first time we went to the beach.
My two best friends were a flat iron and split ends. I grew accustomed to the smell of burnt hair and burns on my hands. And until a couple years ago, if my hair was curly, I hid in my room and didn't leave my house. As others around me, people I looked up to, idolized and admired started wearing their hair natural. I felt inspired and in a moment of growth, started building u my courage and letting my hair free. When I started wearing my curls, I got compliments. People I didn't even know that well came up and told me they liked my hair curly better than straight.
Heres a list of things I've learned, that have helped me embrace the hair I was given:
1. Dove commercial. Enough said.
2. You'd be surprised how many people have curly hair and you wouldn't know.
My roommate at school had curly hair. My roommate abroad had curly hair. 4 of my best friends from home have curly hair. Three of my school friends have curls. And that's just who I can think of off the top of my head. Your not in this alone and what better way to bond then bitching over hair?
3. We're kind of like a sisterhood.
There's an unspoken understanding with girl who have curly hair. You see a girl with curly hairs hair tie break? You feel a pang of anxiety for her. Straightened one day? You can bet this girl was huge plans later. Humidity? Praying for all of us. We build each other up with just the littlest compliments. Finally a girl isn't asking, 'Can I touch your hair?' But instead head-banging with you just to spruce up your curls.
4. Coconut Oil hunny, but that's no secret.
Just trust me with this one. Let me just say my hair was stranded in a desert about to wither away from dehydration until coconut was introduced into my life.
5. Versatilely.
I cant be devon with straight hair. Devon with curly hair. Devon with Braids. Devon with glasses. It never gets boring or old and I love it.
5. Kinky curls go with kinky girls.
Boys take note: No offense to those girls with straight hair, but there nothing better than a girl with curls. They say blonde have more fun but I ave to interject and note that screw the color of your locks, as long as theyre curly, your guaranteed a fun time.
6. I'm unique, woo-hoo!
My hair isn't the only reason but theres no denying it's a huge part that makes me who I am. I may be referred to as, oh the girl with the curly hair? But that's nothing to be ashamed of. Own your curls and let them do their thing. Real people are gonna love you with them and not superficially hold you to what society is into right now. My hair isn't stick straight and I'm not straightening my hair for you because it looks more "professional" or "prettier". I'll straighten it if I want to an I'll do it for me. It's my hair after all.
Theres plenty of pros and cons to waves, curls, kinks, twirls... but you really will learn to love this stuff called hair, and some day you'll realize you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I wish I didn't waste as much of my childhood hating myself for my hair, but i'll make the rest of the years up embracing it.