Brothers Always Keep You On Your Toes | The Odyssey Online
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A Sport Is Never 'Just A Game,' And 9 Other Things Brothers Teach Their Sisters

No matter if they are older or younger, having brothers always makes life interesting.

A Sport Is Never 'Just A Game,' And 9 Other Things Brothers Teach Their Sisters
Corrine Harding

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Having brothers aren't always like the movies, but you do gain a lot from them, besides their hoodies and flannels. They teach you life lessons and give you a unique perspective on life, and here are the ten things brothers teach you.

1. You have to be tough


Since I can remember, being the youngest of two older brothers I had to learn quickly to have thick skin and toughen up. Whether it was about their jokes towards me or during our many wrestling matches when we were all younger, my brothers very quickly. Over the years, I have gained countless bruises and spent many hours running from their pranks. You need to be tough sometimes because you will be knocked down in life, whether physically or emotionally. You have to get back, wipe yourself off, and keep moving.

2. You have to be creative


I remember sneaking into one of my brother's room to borrow some of his GI Joes when I was younger because I liked them better than Ken dolls when I played with my Barbies. Having older brothers makes you think creatively about what to do in your spare time when you are younger. They never really played Barbies with me, but we spent countless hours pretending we were outdoor explorers and playing a fishing game to see who was the strongest. Brothers make you think outside of the box and utilize your imagination throughout your life.

3. You tend to be one of the guys


Out of my seven cousins, six of them are guys and then add onto the fact that I only have two older brothers, I have grown up around guys my entire life. Because of this, I tend to do be one of the guys wherever I go. I spent a year living with four boys in hotel rooms, and that experience showed that I was totally okay with spending time with only guys instead of girls. Being one of the guys is when you are okay spending time to play video games, you laugh at crude jokes, and tag along with the crazy adventures the group comes up with without even batting an eye.

4. You appreciate girl time, though


Being around guys can wear you out, so you always can appreciate the time you spend with your gal pals where you can have more civilized conversations, have a spa night, and embrace your girly side.

5. You are brutally honest sometimes


You never have to wonder if your brothers are being honest to you, because in the end they have no filter. Because of this, you have slowly have lost your own filter and are honest with everyone around you, sometimes it can be brutal though.

6. Sports aren't "just a game"


Many years have passed, but my grandma always talks about when I was in 3rd grade I would tell the football moms and grandmas about what was going on throughout the game. They then would ask how I knew all of this, and I would say proudly, "Madden." Since my brothers started football, they let me play and watch their Madden games, and they took time to teach me the hands-on skills like how to throw a spiral and learned hands on what it felt like to be tackled by someone over 200 pounds. My brothers taught me the love and passion towards sports, especially football, where I end up looking like Sheryl Yoast from Remember the Titans when I sit in the bleachers, no matter when I was in 3rd grade or now at college football games.

7. You have life long security


Your brothers own an imaginary badge stating they are your security for the rest of your life, whether they know it or not. Even though your brothers may pick on you from time to time, they will always protect you from danger outside of their control. The only people who can hurt their siblings are themselves, no one else. I have always felt safe around my brothers, and I know when the going gets tough, they will make sure I am okay.

8. You can't be grossed out by everything


Having brothers mean sometimes gross things happen, whether it is farts, burps, or odd smells coming from them, you have learned that you cannot be grossed out by everything they do or by much in general. You tend to find fart jokes funny and are immune to nasty smells now.

9. Oversized hoodies and flannels are the best


I don't know about you, but having extra large flannels and hoodies are the best during the cold months of the year. I never had hand-me-downs from sisters, but I did get these items once they became too small for my brothers. Being comfortable is greater than anything.

10. You have each other's backs


No matter how many fights you get into or how long time has passed since you have talked, but having brothers means you always have each other back. Having brothers gives you some of your best friends in life, and you know that they will cover your six and vice versa.

Having brothers aren't always the prettiest things in life, but I know I wouldn't want it any other way. My brothers push me to be a better person, laugh a little more, and inspire me every day. They are role models to their siblings, whether they know it or not. Brothers may pick on you and may not always show they love you, but they some of the best siblings you can have.

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