10 Lessons My College Friends Have Taught Me
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10 Lessons My College Friends Have Taught Me

It's only February, but these friendships are so strong and will last a lifetime

10 Lessons My College Friends Have Taught Me
Marlee Nickow

One aspect of college that I was the most excited for was to meet a lot of new people. Yes, coming from a suburb of Chicago, I knew and knew of many people before arriving in the cornfields. Some claimed that going to the University of Illinois was “repeating high school”, and I will not lie that the thought did cross my mind when I decided to come here. Want to know the truth about that?

All False. Well, it definitely is what you make of it!

Coming to Illinois is all about what you make it. Yes, a lot of people from my high school came here, 157 being the exact number, but they are not the only people whom I spend time with. I knew that I wanted to branch out when I got to college, and I am confident in the fact that I did just that.

The friends I have made here have actually changed my life, and I am not exaggerating in the slightest. These are some of the most genuine people, and they really do care about the well-being of their friends.

Being so close with people of all different ages has never been a thing for me, but now I am so happy that it is. College introduces you to so many new people, many of which I know will be my close friends for life.

Here are 10 things my friends have taught me, and I’m forever grateful they did…

1. It’s okay not to be okay

In my opinion, throughout high school, it was somewhat of a stigma that if you were struggling, you kept that information to yourself. No one was very willing to be open with one another because if there was an issue, someone probably had it worse than you.

How irrational.

After coming to school, the support system got immensely better. My friends here care about one another so much, and only want the best for everyone. You have an issue? Anyone would be more than happy to help. That’s true friendship if I’ve ever seen it.

2. We are your second family

Family loves you despite your flaws. The friends I have made have 100% proven that regardless of what I have going on in my life, they will always love me and be there for me. And vice versa: I will always love and be there for them. Sometimes just simply after having a good talk with a friend, everything seems okay. I think of my close friends here as my second family, and I love them just as much as I do my parents and brothers.

3. Our door is always open

It is so easy to walk up or down a flight of stairs and swing open to door to my friend’s room (you know who you are!). Most of the time a knock isn’t even necessary, just walking in will suffice. I can guarantee a good laugh and good food when I am in my friends’ rooms. In the midst of endless studying and stress, it is amazing to know that there is a place where the vibes are chill, and everyone wants to have a good time.

4. 2:00 AM is the best time to talk

During the day everyone is in class or at the library or working out.

All great and necessary things.

However, they do take away from the amount of time that you get to talk and hang with friends, which I believe is also important in order to have a balanced college life. That being said, staying up late to talk with friends is something that I actually make time for. The TV lounge is my home for the endless facetimes and phone calls (you also know who you are haha).

5. Eating out/spending money is okay and sometimes 100% necessary

I am definitely not the first to say that my dorm food is just not the greatest, but no one would really expect it to be anyways. Jimmy Johns is always a go to considering it takes about four minutes to get to the dorm on a good day. In desperate times, I can count of my friends to feel the same way about the dorm food and go get a real meal. Thank you so much, honestly. Thank you especially for the endless sushi dates, they are much appreciated.

6. Some of the best friendships aren’t expected

I would say one of my best friendships to this day is the result of me turning around in a swarm of people, in full blown tears, on bid day back in September. I was sweaty from running in the heat and crying tears of joy. We introduced ourselves and now we are still such close friends. This friendship, along with many others I have made, were so unexpected, yet so beyond easy…and that is exactly how it should be! I have never been around people who were so easy to connect with and just genuinely nice (thanks Greek life I owe you!).

7. Laugh at yourself and embrace your mistakes

Growing up, I was always so embarrassed whenever I would mess something up or when I was a tad clumsy. Many years later, I have finally found people who will laugh when I fall, but also be there to pick me back up. Once you learn to laugh at yourself, you can really do anything because there is nothing to be embarrassed about! Especially when your laughable moments are caught on video by your best friends, then there is really no going back.

8. Distance means nothing

It does not matter how far or close I live to these people, the friendships will continue to stay strong. Even if most of my friends live at most 30 minutes away from my home town, not seeing them every day on campus is definitely hard. Despite the extended breaks when we are not together, the friendships see no hardships. Hanging out at home is definitely an option, and one that 100% has been utilized because winter break is just too long. Don’t even get me started on summer break...

I’m not ready in the slightest. :(

9. Friend hugs are the best hugs

I love a good hug, it somehow temporarily cures whatever is wrong. Just one hug, or two or five, from a best friend is such a comforting feeling. Yes, of course, a hug from your significant other is always a win, but friends will be there for the long run always. Thank you for the hugs during the bad times, but also the good times because I really just like hugs.

10. Friendship isn’t about how long you’ve known each other

Of course, the friends who you have known basically since birth and are still going strong, those are really important friendships that are meaningful and have lots of history. However, college does change people in many ways. I would say that some of my best friends now are people who I met back in August/September. Although it’s been about six months, I cannot imagine my life without these friends in it.

The people who I have met at Illinois have truly changed my life, and I will be forever grateful for them. Thank you for the life lessons and the amazing memories, and I can’t wait to learn/create more!

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