All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
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All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Beginning with the Golden Rule

All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Adulthood- something we try to avoid as long as we can. We as children, live under the notion that adulthood means essentially no rules, finally being able to stay out past 10, driving our own cars, going to college, and eventually getting married and having a family. However, with wisdom comes great responsibility, and for some, that means working a 9-5 miserable job just to pay off loans and come home to even more adult responsibilities like buying groceries and picking up dog crap.

The good news, is that it does not have to be so complicated and boring. If you simply follow the rules passed down behind the walls of elementary school classrooms, boy will you thank me later. Here are only some that will take your mind off the complexities of life and bring you to something much more familiar and comfortable:

1. Golden Rule. I mean, come on, this should be a given. But for those who don't know, this means to "treat others the way you want to be treated." This usually means no spitting, kicking, hitting, or harassing others. However, in our adult world, this still applies. Can you imagine a world in which this rule was followed? It is not that hard, a kindergartner can do it.

2. Naps are good. According to, "Regular, short naps can help lower tension, which decreases your risk of heart disease." Now you have it, a perfect excuse for a break.

3. Clean up after yourself. No one likes picking up after others, so don't be that person that makes others do it for you. This is not a complicated concept, do what you have to do, then put away what you used and didn't use. This includes the milk in the fridge, laundry in baskets, make up off sinks, and TRASH, and even can be transferred into political agendas.

4. Say Sorry. Pride is something you learn as a jerk adult, and pride makes it hard to apologize for your mistakes. Do not let it blind you to what you know is the right thing to do. Do it.

5. Stick Together. As we grow older, we are taught to be individuals, and that we can achieve anything we want. We become selfish and greedy, and do not like to credit others for helping us sometimes. We like to feel independent, but it is good to have others by our sides. Remember, together any load can feel lighter. Stick with those that make your heart happy.

6. Reading is cool. Yes, we have computers and laptops and phones with apps, but don't forget books! Books are a great source! Libraries are still here! Go learn something new. Plus, here are a few benefits of reading according to examined expanded vocabulary, improvement of communication and analytical skills, enhances ability to focus, and it is an effective memory booster.

7. Have fun. So often we go through life focusing on the negative side of things, along with preoccupation and stress, that we forget to HAVE FUN. Remember to make the most of every moment. Look at stars, walk barefoot in the grass, laugh A LOT, and don't forget to smile!

8. BFF may not always be your BFF. and that is ok. You will make new friends and even those friends might forget about you, but some won't. Keep in touch with those who matter, and you will be delighted when you hear about their lives, their kids, and the people they have become.

9. Parents have your back. Mom came to the office when that boy punched you, or when that girl laughed at your new shoes. And mom will still bet there when you need a "shoulder to cry on." SO CALL YOUR MOMS, people. now.

10. You deserve gold stars. Recognize your achievements. Small steps are steps, and as long as you have the motivation, you are making progress, do not forget to reward yourself. In this thing we call adulthood, it is SO darn easy to make mistakes, be confused, or literally have no idea what is going on or how to solve a problem, but hey, you are trying and for that, you deserve a gold star, and maybe even a pat on the back, so stop being so hard on yourself.

All in all, remind yourselves that you are all just adults but children at heart, and you are living this life, thriving off curiosity and bliss. Do your best and the best will come back to you. Treat the world with a newfound wonder, be excited about new discoveries, tell those you love that you love them, read a bedtime story, hug your friends, and overall ENJOY your life.

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