In my opinion, NBC’s “The Office” is the best show that has ever been released in all of the history of television. The gripping storyline will have me laughing out loud at one minute, and then crying in the fetal position the next.
For those of you who haven’t seen the show, it follows the lives of the employees of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. The reason that the show has become so popular today is the connection that the audience feels with the characters. One character in particular who seems to cover every emotion possible is Michael Scott, Regional Manager of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch.
Michael is by far one of the funniest characters on the show. He seems to have no filter whatsoever. What I love about his character is every emotion that he feels is magnified times one hundred through his facial expressions, actions, and voice. Not only that, but his emotions are easy to relate to because of how dramatically each one is shown.
The first relatable emotion that Michael shows a lot through the series is excitement. When Michael gets excited, I get excited. His expression is like that of a little kid who was just told by his mother that he can have whatever candy he wants from the grocery store.
Another emotion that Michael experiences is anger. Usually his anger is directed at the Human Resources Representative of the company, Toby Flenderson. We all have a "Toby" in our lives; a person whose face alone ruins our entire week.
The next emotion that Michael shows is sadness. But not just your typical sadness. When Michael is sad, it's as if the whole world is ending in his mind. His sadness is almost funny because of the amount that is is exaggerated. But then again, we all feel that amount of melancholy at some point on our lives.
Finally, Michael is not one to hide his happiness. When he is happy, you know it. His joy fills the entire room.
We can learn a lot through Michael Scott's emotions. He is a remarkably expressive person, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are many who seem to hide their emotions for fear of being judged. I think that it's time to start being more like Michael, showing our true emotions for the world to see.