Why We Should All Be More Like Our Toddlers
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Why We Should All Be More Like Our Toddlers

Why We Should All Be More Like Our Toddlers

If you're a mom of a toddler, you certainly know the phrase "The terrible twos" quite well by now. People all around you comment on the strong personalities and stubbornness of our toddlers, which can sometimes be construed as erratic, irrational, and just flat out crazy. As a mom of an almost 18 month old, I'm not saying that I disagree; I just think in order to save some of our sanity and to give them a little credit, we should sit back once and a while and appreciate some of their amazing personality traits. Here's why I believe we should all be like our toddlers sometimes.

1. Toddlers fight tirelessly and unapologetically for what they want. Whether they are fighting for a specific toy, food, or just dont want to put clothes on, they do not surrender easily. They often demand an explanation if they cannot get what they want, and they go to extreme means to get what they want in life. Wouldn't it be great if we kept striving for our dreams, even when things get tough?

2. Toddlers show affection easily to others, even when people are watching. They aren't scared to go up to someone and give them a hug, a kiss, a pat on the head, or even a high five. Toddlers don't care what other people think, and don't think twice about being honest and open about their affection, and we can learn a thing or two about love from them.

3. Toddlers have compassion for nature and our world. My son will stop and simply touch the freshly cut grass when we are outside, stop in awe of a beautiful flower, and cherish the smallest rock or piece of dirt that he finds. Toddlers simply enjoy the beauty of nature and animals, and often live the quote "stop and smell the roses" out to the fullest. We should all have a deeper appreciation for our Earth.

4. Toddlers never give up. Even when they are tired, as in literally falling asleep at their high chair, they fight the urge to fall down with all their might. Toddlers often have a one track mind, but always seem to know exactly what they want. We could benefit from never giving up in our own lives as well.

5. Toddlers enjoy the small things in life, and have a zest for learning that comes naturally. Everything is so new to them; they indulge in every new taste, touch, smell, and sound that they experience. The other day I gave my son a few odds and ends from the kitchen to keep him busy for a few minutes. You would have thought that my measuring cup was made of gold! Oh the things he could do with those simple objects! Toddlers are on a constant quest to learn new things and understand the small things in life. We too, should always be eager to learn new things.

6. Toddlers use their imagination and don't always see in black and white. There is always another purpose for something, always another way to look at a situation , and always a silver lining. If only we could be more positive and more creative with what we have.

7. When they have given in to their need to sleep, after their fight, toddlers fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. Is there anything more joyful than watching a young child sleep? If only we could all sleep deeply, disconnect from the world for a while, and give up all of our stresses to our dreams.

8. Toddlers forgive, forgive, and forgive again. They may put up a pretty dramatic fight at times, and they may even hurt your feelings once and a while, but when the day is done, they move on to the next without holding a grudge. We should all be more forgiving, more willing to move past our differences, and happy to let go of the little things that are weighing on our hearts.

The innocence of toddlers is something that comes naturally and is difficult to teach. Many of the above traits are the things we complain about in our little ones, and when we are deep in the trenches, it is difficult to appreciate a stubborn toddler staring us in the face. Yet, many of these traits are the very things we try deeply to instill in the members of our next generation, in our college students, and in the members of our work force.

I'm not suggesting that we mirror our toddlers' actions literally, or celebrate tantrums without giving consequences, and I know from experience that every day as a mom is not always sunshine and butterflies. In fact, a good part of my day usually includes waiting for my toddler to follow me and listen to directions, watching him throw the food I just made to the floor, and listening to his tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Despite all of the struggles we face with our toddlers, I urge us to return to our untainted values and beliefs once and a while, have patience, notice the sunshine of a new day, and welcome the wisdom that our children have to teach us with an open heart and mind.

For more wisdom from a stay-at-home mom of a toddler and baby, follow my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/betterwithbabies/ and the Better With Babies blog at http://www.betterwithbabies.com.

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