League Of Legends Season 7
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League Of Legends Season 7

All the major changes and how they affect us.

League Of Legends Season 7
Ronald Sanguine

Hey everyone, Tax1k here.League of Legends Season 7 is almost here!! Now some of you may ask, "So what Tax? It's just a new season let me get on that ranked grind so I can get to Diamond" Now I respect your choice and desire to get on that hustle to the top. But before you go let's discuss what the new season really means to everyone.

1. Solo/Duo Que & Flex Que

With this new season, we lay to rest the Dynamic Que that most of us have gotten used to but the community hasn't really taken a great shine to it. With its long wait times, has been replaced by Flex Que. This queue is meant for the players who are looking to show that their team has got what it takes to beat the ranks. As it stands right now, you can queue up with as many people as you want, unless your magic number is 4. Now to my understanding Riot Games, has done this to prevent long queue times looking for the 1 that got away. I think this will be a great way to build up team skills and communication. Only time will tell how well this queue will be received but I am excited to grab a group of bros and grind that ladder together.

We also get to revive one of the oldest queues is LoL history. Solo Que is BACK, and better than ever. Now you can select two roles and exclude one role you wouldn't play even if I offered you a free burrito. This is great news to all the support mains because you will never have to wait for a game again. You and a friend can queue up together and go on a rampage up the ranked ladder. You can show everyone who the true carry of the game is. Another change, if you want to make that sweet challenger ladder, you have to do it in this queue. So let's dust off those Try-Hard Pants and show everyone what you are made of.

Both of these Queues have separate ranks so while you may be Gold 3 in Solo/Duo, you can be Silver 4 in Flex. Also as a personal thing, I believe that both of these ques will have different metas. Be prepared for anything and ready to adapt to everything. Good Luck on the Fields.

2.Replays/Practice Mode

After years, and years of begging from the community, we finally get it. A replay mode so we can view all of our games and fully analyze what mistakes were made, or we can just save that super awesome 1 vs 5 PENTAKILL! Whatever you use it for it entirely up to you, but this means a few awesome things. Even the low ranked 5 man teams can now watch their games, and discuss what to change, fix, and even add new strategies for future games. This was only allowed previously by use of 3rd Party Clients and Programs that some people wouldn't want to install and or use making it tough to really understand what they were doing wrong. This will help so many people and I am super excited to be able to study all of my play. I can't wait to see all the montages of super awesome play

Next up on the years, and years of praying to the Riot Gods. We are being graced with a Practice mode, where we can edit the level of our champion, reset cooldowns entirely, and practicing that pesky last hitting. This tool is going to help everyone be able to flash that fat wall because that Zed just won't leave you alone. While riot hasn't released everything that is going to be possible in Practice, this is still my personal most desired tool. I can't wait to spend hours practicing getting every CS that waddles into my sight, while having unlimited gold so I can learn what is the most efficient build path for my favorite champions.

With both of these tools being added, we have to thank Riot and really understand that they care about the players and want each and every one of us to improve to be the very best. Let's all show Riot how much we can improve and appreciate all they do for us.

3. Jungle Changes

Like every season Riot has made huge changes to the jungle. They have changed the way Smite works, the size and power of the critters that live there, and they added special plants to keep everything as interesting as possible.

Camp Changes

They made the Red and Blue Buffs have to spend their days alone by removing the 2 little partners they had. But they also made them stronger to compensate. The Raptors have also made some new friends by adding 2 more small raptors to the camp, this makes taking the camp a little bit longer and you better come prepared because they don't like to be messed with. Krugs now have something of a split personality, and refuse to stay together once you hit them around a little. By that I mean they break apart into smaller Krugs as they are defeated . Gromp has a bit of a rage problem but also gets control very quickly and begins to relax but not forgive. The frog starts with a high attack speed after being attacked but it slows and lowers in damage as the fight with it progresses. Another large Change is Gromp and the Krugs spawn later than the rest of the camps in the jungle. I like to call it fashionably late. Smite also no longer has a unique effect when used on the different camps, as it just now heals you when used on the large monster.

The Jungle Plants

The Jungle has evolved over time and begun to grow plants that champions can "pluck" that assist in various ways. There is the Blast Cone which when hit blasts you away in the opposite direction. It is perfect for the low mobility junglers to escape risky invades, or sneak into places unseen. We also have Scryer's Bloom which when hit reveals a large area, as well as all champions, monsters, and wards for a few seconds. It is perfect for those early ward placers to get found out, and to make sure your invade is safe. Lastly, we have the Honeyfruit. This is like your own personal well of HP and Mana. The downside to this is when picking up the fruit you are slowed by a small amount so it is possible to get caught. As Always be careful and keep your eyes out.

With all of these crazy changes, this season is looking to be one of the most explosive in League of Legends History, and I am so excited to be a part of it. As of right now the date for the start of the season is December 7th. Remember, Tax1k says "Do your best, and always have a good time". I will be here covering more and more major changes as the season progress. Good Luck in the Fields of Justice and don't forget to Jump for Joy!

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