I want to thank my university for hosting the 2016 Vice Presidential Debate from the bottom of my heart. There are so many reasons why a school like Longwood University was chosen for this historical event. I am unable to put into words the pride I've felt these last few weeks as I heard our name on news reports, saw us printed in black and white, and heard people who never knew about our school before talk about us with excitement. I am so proud to call myself a Lancer.
The debate really started making an appearance on campus months before it actually took place. Banners were put up and professors started mentioning "the debate." It felt like we couldn't go anywhere on campus without hearing about the debate. It became a running joke for students to ask, "Did you hear there's a debate here this year?!" We may have joked and complained about the effects of having a debate on campus, but it was truly an honor to host the only Vice Presidential Debate this year.
Personally, I didn't understand the magnitude of this honor until a little less than a week before the debate. I was sitting in my grandparents' kitchen when it happened. My grandmother came up to me with the Richmond Times newspaper, and she told me to read an article. There we were. "Longwood University" jumped out from the page. Thirty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Her neighbor came bearing an article from the Washington Post with my university's name in the very first headline. I was filled with pride to call myself a Lancer.
I was awestruck the moment I stepped back on campus the Sunday prior to the debate. Campus had been completely revamped. The lawn in front of my residence hall was turned into a concert and debate viewing extravaganza. Media teams had set up camp in front of some of the monumental locations on campus. Our basketball stadium was now a debate hall. Campus was unrecognizable, but still held that familiar sense of home. I was ready to welcome the candidates, news teams, and everyone else coming to see the debate to my home away from home. I couldn't wait for them to see inside the life of a Lancer.