Ladies, Be An Esther!! | The Odyssey Online
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Ladies, Be An Esther!!

Ladies, Be An Esther!!

Ladies, Be An Esther!!

A 55-year-old man stabbed and killed his girlfriend and injured a 9-year-old girl two weeks ago in the Bronx.

After cutting and stabbing himself, Henry Maldonado set their apartment on fire at 700 E. 156th St. in the St. Mary’s Park houses.

The fire tore through the eighth floor apartment at the Bronx housing complex. Photo by: Marcus Santos/New York Daily News.

The girlfriend, Carmen Irizarry, 60, was stabbed several times in the chest, and pronounced dead on the scene.

Carmen Irizarry was stabbed by her boyfriend and died of her injuries.

The 9-year-old girl — named Heaven — Ms. Irizarry’s granddaughter, was stabbed in the chest, thigh, armpit and upper abdomen.

Heaven escaped next door, and the neighbor, Loretta Fleming, called 9-1-1.

After suffering multiple stab wounds, Heaven remains in stable condition.

Neighbor Loretta Fleming was able to help Heaven after she was stabbed. Photo by: Marcus Santos/New York Daily News

Maldonado was arrested.

Heaven and Maldonado were taken to Lincoln Medical and Mental Health center and transferred to hospitals.

What does the Bible say about domestic abuse?

Hey, ladies! The story of Esther will help us in this area!

Esther was a fierce and confident woman.

This story begins with a king named Xerxes, who holds a banquet to celebrate his kingdom's wealth.

The queen was a beautiful woman, named Vashti.

The king wanted her at the banquet to show off her beauty. However, she refused to come.

King Xerxes was furious and removed her from her royal position.

The king needed to search for a new queen.

Women from all over the country had to receive 12 months of beauty treatments before the king chose a queen.

The king fell in love with Esther and made her queen.

After the beauty treatments, King Xerxes found favor with Esther. She became known as Queen Esther.

Esther was a Jew, raised by her cousin Mordecai, after her parents died.

Mordecai was a criminal, being held captive behind the king’s gate.

Mordecai outside King Xerxes’ palace for punishment.

Mordecai told Esther to keep her nationality and family background a secret to keep her position as queen.

Mordecai tells Esther to protect herself with secrecy. In this time, non-Muslims, which included Jews, were seen as unclean.

King Xerxes was a Muslim ruler, expected to limit contact between Muslims and Jews.

So Esther didn’t tell the King she was a Jew.

One day, Mordecai heard two king officials plotting to kill King Xerxes, and he told Queen Esther. Esther informed the king. The officials were put to death.

The king was never informed that Mordecai had been the one who told Esther. However, every good deed done for the King was kept on record.

The book of King Xerxes’ reign had every good deed done for King Xerxes and other events and actions taken during his time in power, written down.

As time passed, King Xerxes wanted to honor one of his obedient servants, named Haman. He had all the men at his gate bow down to Haman.

Everyone bowed down, except Mordecai.

Mordecai refuses to bow. This infuriated Haman, and he wanted revenge.

Haman knew that Mordecai was a Jew. Haman not only wanted Mordecai dead, but all the Jews in the Persian country.

Haman, the servant, was known as the man with a scheme to destroy all the Jews in Persia. With King Xerxes’ permission, Haman planned a specific day to have all the Jews, including Mordecai, killed.

When Mordecai found out about this, he began wailing loudly, out of distress.

Queen Esther sent one of King Xerxes’ servants to ask Mordecai what was troubling him.

Mordecai told the servant to tell Esther to speak with the king about stopping the genocide.

Esther’s answer was, “OK, and If I perish, I perish.”

Queen Esther, agrees to speak with king Xerxes. A few nights later, King Xerxes was looking over the record of his reign. He discovered that Mordecai had been the one who reported the officials that had plotted his death.

At that moment, Haman entered the palace.

The king ordered him to honor Mordecai with a robe and horse ride, proclaiming, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor.”

Haman became angry and jealous that Mordecai, the man he wanted dead, was now stealing his spotlight in the king’s eyes.

Haman became angry and jealous of Mordecai. However, Haman had no other choice, but to listen to the king. He obeyed the king and honored Mordecai.

Mordecai being honored for his good deed. Led by Haman.

The time came for Queen Esther to confront the king and try to save her people.

In order to do this, she holds a banquet, where she reveals her identity as a Jew.

Then, Esther asks the king to stop the plans to kill her and her people.

When King Xerxes found out that Esther was going to be part of the people killed in the genocide, he was infuriated with Haman for almost killing his queen.

Then, King Xerxes ordered that Haman be put to death.

When Queen Esther told King Xerxes that Mordecai was her cousin, he honored Mordecai further by making him the second most powerful man in the world.

Jews were now given the right to assemble, protect themselves and to annihilate any man who tried to kill them.

The king ordered his nobles, governors and administrators to protect the Jews.

As a result, the Jews were saved and defeated all their enemies.

Esther was a fierce and strong woman!!

Ladies, isn’t that what we all strive for?

Esther’s legacy leaves women with so many helpful life lessons, especially when it comes to domestic abuse and men controlling women in relationships.

The first lesson Esther teaches us;

1. Women need to demand respect and not allow themselves to be controlled or objectified by men. Demand girl power.

You don't need to let men rule over you, like their kings! Men don't have to consume your mind, heart and soul. You can be independent and still be a queen!

In biblical times, the law created by King Xerxes gave men power over women in relationships.

However, in the end of the story, King Xerxes ended up listening to Queen Esther’s request to stop the execution of the Jews.

For all the ladies with boyfriends or husbands, who control and dictate what you should and shouldn’t be doing, we don’t have to take this!

Ladies, we have the power to speak up for what we believe is right.

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The second lesson Esther teaches us;

2. Changing Yourself For a Man Won’t Make Him Like You More. You Need to Give Him The Chance to Get to Know The Real You.

In the beginning of the story, King Xerxes only loved Esther because of her outer appearance. Esther had 12 months of beauty treatments, before he chose her.

Ladies, No!! We do not need to get an expensive or time consuming, beauty treatment, diet, hairstyle or outfit, to impress a man.

He should like you with or without the makeup, diet or revealing clothing.

In the end, King Xerxes fell in love with Esther’s inner personality. He admired her perseverance to risk her life to save her people. She never needed the beauty treatments to gain his approval.

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The Third lesson Esther teaches us;

3. Sometimes We Have to Sacrifice Our Image to do The Right Thing.

Esther was willing to risk her spot as queen and her life, to do the right thing.

She didn't allow the riches, prestige, popularity and the fortune of being queen, stop her from telling King Xerxes, that she didn’t want the Jews to be killed.

She did this in a time when women weren’t supposed to be given power in relationships.

Ladies, the men out in this world, will try to get you in bed. And other girls will make you feel popular for it. But, if your not ready, don't sacrifice your wishes to keep up an image. Popularity isn't important, you are!!!

And for Christian ladies, don't let him get it, if he's not gonna put a ring on it!! Put aside your fleshly desires, take one for the team, by refraining. With this selfless act, you will protect your soul and his!!

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The forth lesson Esther teaches us;

4. Be An Ester, Ladies!! Take Charge of Your Relationship And Friendships With Males!! They Don’t Have The Right to Abuse You or Boss You Around!!

Communicate to your husbands and boyfriends, when they are becoming too bossy or controlling.

Remember, when you tell them, always do so in a Godly manner (watch the tone of voice).

This could lead to closer communication in the relationship, while providing you with equal positions in the relationship.

If your man loves you, like the true love king Xerxes showed for Ester, he should listen to your wishes and strive to make you comfortable and happy.

In the end of the story, King Xerxes showed Esther the love she deserved, by listening to her. Esther spoke up and she saved her people, while gaining a better relationship with her king.

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Sometimes, when we are in love with our man, he can do no wrong in our eyes, even if he's clearly mistreating us.

Ladies get it together!! And snap out of your hypnotized trances!! Allow yourself to believe that your love towards him, should equal his love towards you.

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Patterns will become habits, which will become addictions. If you continue letting him control you, this pattern, will become his comfortable routine.

If you wait too long, he will become addicted to the feeling of domination, especially, if he’s given positive reinforcement—when he’s shown respect, after treating you like garbage.

For the women with boyfriends, if the guy doesn't listen, than its time to move on. Trust in God, to find you someone who will show you the love you deserve.

Photo by: @kendellpurvis

King Xerxes wanted Esther to feel happy, and he gave her the right to express what was important to her, while he made an effort to improve for her.

Don't just communicate with your man about your concerns, but tell him what needs to be done to implement lasting change.

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And for the women with husbands, finding a new man may not always be a possibility, when striving to live Christian lifestyles.

If talking doesn't work with your man, try seeking counseling.

Having a third, unbiased party present, can help your man see that it's not only you that sees his controlling personality.

Ladies take control of your love lives!!! If the guy doesn't listen and also refuses the counseling, don't be afraid to pull a queen Vashti!!

Before Esther was chosen to be queen, Queen Vashti, stepped down from her role as queen, because she didn't want to be objectified and stared at, by the king, and his banquet guests.

When Queen Vashti gave up her position as Queen, she took a stand for women's rights. Photo by:

Women don't have to be objects for men's use and we don't have to settle for men that will only lust after us.

If a man doesn't understand; "no means no," than walk away.

If he doesn't want to get to know you first, than he probably just wants your body.

Ladies, you don't have to have sex to get a boyfriend!! He will wait until you’re ready, if he loves you.

And ladies, who are living Christian lifestyles, he will put a ring on it, if he is truly putting God before everything!!

If he doesn't want to wait until marriage, oh well, God will have someone new and better ready when the time is right.

Ladies your body is your virtue! Photo by:

The fifth lesson Esther teaches us;

5. Ladies, Be The Esther That God Created You To Be!!

Ladies, be careful in relationships and friendships, with males!! Be watchful and observant of guys that may be out there to hurt you or use you and disappear.

Ladies, if you have already been objectified, belittled or abused by men; don't let anyone tell you that you can't be successful in your future relationships with males.

You are special. You are not your past or your abuse. You are not a victim. You are a survivor and a conqueror!!

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Ladies, you may also feel judged because of your appearance, body size, race, gender, nationality, or religion.

People may treat you differently because of your occupation, socioeconomic status, your disabilities, mental disorders, your sexuality, personality, your character or physical traits.

Despite a life of discrimination, Esther was courageous, by taking the position of queen.

Be the Esther that God created you to be!! Photo by:

Queen Esther hid the fact that she was a Jew, in a time period when Jews would be killed, if they secretly took high positions of authority.

Ladies, life is going to take us down some weird and scary paths!!

We will have to take chances with our education, relationships, marriage, finances and purchases, while being unaware of the outcome for our futures.

Having faith in God will help us to stay strong during the roller coasters of life.

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Esther trusted God, when she took her position as queen. Her main goal was to honor God with her life. When she did this, God rewarded her.

A life spent believing in God, doesn't necessarily mean you will get riches, successes and happiness all the time.

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When Esther was queen she had riches, good food to eat, nice clothing to wear and a beautiful home, but she still had to live in constant fear.

From the moment she got her position as queen, she went into hiding. She was keeping secrets no one should ever have to keep; her nationality and her religion.

Esther his her true self. Photo by:

The punishment for lying and deceiving the king was death.

God was calling Esther to be queen of Persia, and she risked her life to save her people.

Never in her wildest dreams, did she ever contemplate the possibilities of being queen. She was the chosen one, out of all of the women in the nation.

Queen Esther, Photo by:

She was a Jew, raised by her cousin Mordecai, because her parents died.

Mordecai was a single parent, when he took Esther in as his child. He probably struggled to take care of her alone because Jews were not allowed to have high paying jobs.

In the end, Mordecai worked his way up to becoming the second most powerful man in the world. He came so close to losing his life, but he trusted God and remained faithful.

Ladies, this tells us that no matter where you are or who you were created to be, you have no idea how far God will take you!

The possibilities are endless!!

“For I know the plans I have for you.” Declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11, Photo by:

“For I know the plans I have for you.” Declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11, Photo by:

Men don’t have the right to control, manipulate, and abuse women.

Ladies, we must cut off communication with these evil men!! Look them in the face and say;

"I'm to busy being an Esther!!"

Ladies, be an Esther in your lives!!

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Be The Esther God Gives You The Power to be!! Photo by:

“May Carmen Irizarry rest in heavenly peace.”

“May Carmen Irizarry rest in heavenly peace.”

“My wishes for Heaven: May God bless you and keep you. May He keep you safe from harm. May He have mercy on you and your family. May the Lord always be by your side. May He protect you and uphold your undertakings. May the Lord bless you always. Amen.”
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