Kim K Being Robbed Is Not Funny, Neither Is Donald Trump Bragging About Sexual Harassment | The Odyssey Online
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Kim K Being Robbed Is Not Funny, Neither Is Donald Trump Bragging About Sexual Harassment

Defending sexual assault is not funny, neither is violence against an innocent woman.

Kim K Being Robbed Is Not Funny, Neither Is Donald Trump Bragging About Sexual Harassment

We live in a social media troll society, where people make jokes about serious situations and turn them into memes and topics to poke fun at. Where people take it upon themselves to decide whether or not something is true or false, whether something is funny or completely inappropriate, so on and so forth. Our newsfeeds are probably filled with two main topics right now, one being the robbery of Kim Kardashian, the other being politics, more specifically, Donald Trump and his completely vulgar and misogynistic comments. Both of these topics/situations are serious and should not be taken lightly or jokingly, but of course, the internet chooses to handle things in its own special, disturbing way.

What happened to Kim Kardashian in her Paris apartment is not funny or something to make a joke out of. Whether you like her or not, whether you believe the story or not, it's not your place to decide if it actually happened or not. Of course, during any "breaking news" or a huge story like this comes out, the internet runs to their laptops or smart phones to give their formal opinions, both being sincere and completely vile. No, just because Kim Kardashian is hot and filthy rich does not mean she deserved to be robbed at gunpoint and beg for her life. No, just because you can't stand her or her family doesn't mean she deserved to go through this life changing and horrific experience. It's nothing to joke about and it's nothing to take lightly. Kim may not be your favorite, but she's not a bad person. She's a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, she's not someone who deserved to beg for her life while held at gunpoint.

While the internet still smack talks Kim and leaves nasty comments on her Instagram pictures, Donald Trump openly admitted to and bragged about sexually harassing a woman. Trump's disgusting and vulgar comments about forcing himself on women, as well as using his fame as an excuse to be able to do things like that. He also made disturbing comments about his very own daughter. When this news came out, Trump tried to defend his grotesque actions and comments by saying it is "locker room talk," taking very little to no responsibility for his actions.

While Trump supporters continue to be slightly more embarrassing than Trump himself, they still try to justify his actions and defend him because well, that's the only thing they somewhat know how to do. This isn't something that should be taken lightly. Although anyone with a brain has known for a long time now that Donald Trump is a sexist, racist, Islamaphobic P.O.S., this should be a wake-up call for everyone. There is a chance that this garbage man will become our president. Again, this is not something that should be joked about, ever. Sexual assault is not humorous, nor is it something that should be swept under the rug.

Although these two topics are completely different, one being political and one being pop cultural, both Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump are huge figures in society with large platforms (and fanbases, unfortunately, Trump supporters). These two very diverse situations are either being joked about or justified. No, Kim Kardashian did not deserve to be robbed at gunpoint and traumatized. No, Donald Trump's disturbing comments about women is not just "locker room talk," it's sexual assault and this man is our Republican party nominee. The internet loves to troll and defend a piece of crap man, it's important to know what is okay to joke about and what is not. Wake up.

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