If any of you do not know yet, Justin Bieber recently cut his hair. Go check out his Instagram right now. Like, all of his hair is shaved off. No more dreds, no more Bieber hairflip. Ah, the hair flip days, when he cut his hair that time, it was the end of an era.
But, why the new haircut? And, why does his new do take us down memory lane? When I first saw his new do on Instagram, the first thing I thought of was one of his first YouTube videos where he sings "Because of You" by NeYo. I watched this video a lot when I first found Justin on YouTube, and when I went to look it up for this article, it said that it came out 9 years ago. It is weird to think that the Internet sensation turned worldwide popstar was on the rise only nine years ago.
So, what is this new haircut all about? According to some sources, his dreadlocks were too difficult to take care of and keep clean. And, that makes sense seeing as he is on the Purpose Tour traveling from state to state, and not having much down time.
I mean, he looks almost exactly the same as he did with this haircut as a preteen.