Do you ever feel like the clock is continuously ticking and increasing in volume and just won't shut up? That is usually an indication that something serious is quickly approaching, and during this time of year, that would be finals. Do you feel like there just isn't enough time to get everything done? In the words of Bob Marley, don't worry about a thing. I promise that you are not alone.
The following list is compiled of ways that you can tell it's the end of the semester.
1. You do every possible calculation to figure out the least amount of effort you have to put in to keep your grades where they are.
2. You do laundry and leave it out on the floor because you know you’ll be packing up soon. But then you can’t remember if you wore that t-shirt on Monday or Tuesday.
3. You’ve stopped setting your alarm to 7:30 to give yourself enough time to shower and roll out of bed at 8:30...thirty minutes before class starts.
4. A kid you’ve never seen in your life starts coming to class, and takes the seat you’ve had all semester.
5. You want to skip class, but you know that you have a least one more in-class assignment and those ten points mean that you have ten less points to get on the final.
6. You look at your clock, it’s 10:40 at night and ten minutes later it’s 3:50 in the morning.
7. Your coffee intake has a direct correlation to how well you’re able to focus and do work.
8. You're running late to class get dressed in a hurry and later discover that your shirt has been inside out and backwards for the last two hours.
9. You’ve been up all night studying, wake up late realizing your final started 30 minutes ago and you run to class without a bra on and morning breath. You find yourself begging your teacher to give you the final.
10. When you’ve stopped putting makeup on before class and a professor asks if you’re feeling well because you look sick.
11. Your professors hand out the end of the year evaluation, and you’re left wondering why you thought their name was something other than what it actually is.
12. You’ve been studying for hours and you have to go back and re-read what you've spent the last 15 minutes trying to process.
13. When you let yourself surf the world wide web for 10 minutes as a treat for doing one Aplia question.
14. You think you can catch up on a semester worth of content in one night.
15. You pray that no one gets a hundred percent on the exam so your professor will curve the grade.
16. You realize that you’ve actually been slacking in a class and find out that you need to get a 110% on the final to break even.
17. You try to reason with your parents and say, “Well I have an ‘A’ in these classes, and I’m really trying to get this class grade up, but it’s not looking good.”
18. When you become envious of your friends from other universities because they’re done and graduating.
19. When you call into work sick to catch up on homework but you’re not actually sick.
20. When the notification on how many points you got on an assignment is more exciting than how many likes you got on an Instagram picture.
I know we’re all struggling, but the end is near and may the odds be ever in your favor.