Yes, I know it's only October. But, it's never too early to get into the Christmas spirit! It really is the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas time just has a wonderful, joyful, and exhilarating feeling to it. Everyone seems to be in a cheery mood (not if you work in not even get me started.) From the insane amounts of baking, the shopping, and everything in between, I just can't seem to get enough of this season. Here are 10 signs that you are SO ready for December and the Christmas season.
1. You already started building your Pandora and/or Spotify playlists to perfection. Make sure you have the Michael Buble Christmas album, I would 10/10 recommend.
2. You figured out what gifts you're going to get for the ones you love. It really is a great feeling seeing their faces light up when they unwrap your gift. Along with that, you're looking at your bank account wondering how you will afford everything. Hey, it's the holidays. It's okay to spend a little cash.
3. Christmas music isn't on the radio yet. Someone has got to keep the spirit alive! Left and right, people are politely telling you to shut up. According to Elf, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.
4. Walking through the isles of the department stores gazing at all of the Christmas decorations. "Why do you want to go to Macy's?" "Oh, no reason...." GET PUMPED!!!
5. You cannot wait to start baking Christmas cookies. Baking, eating cookie dough, and spending time with your loved ones...what could be better? I don't know what's more fun: baking them, or actually eating them!
6. Watching Christmas specials of your favorite TV shows puts you in a great mood.
7. You want to watch all the old, classic Christmas specials play on TV. Honestly, I absolutely love watching the original Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer, and A Charlie Brown Christmas.
8. The thought of decorating your house/bedroom with Christmas decorations gives you the goose bumps. The lights, the mini tree you keep in the corner of your room, the Christmas scented candles....ahh...
9. You own multiple Christmas sweaters and cannot wait to wear them!! Someone please have an ugly Christmas party so I have an excuse to wear them. Wait, I don't need an excuse, just don't judge.
10. You can't wait to come together with your friends and family. After all, that is what Christmas is about. Whether it's watching movies or wrapping presents, Christmas is a wonderful time to be together.