Issue Of The Week: Koch’s Emotional Campaigning
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Issue Of The Week: Koch’s Emotional Campaigning

With the Koch Brothers' philanthropy being more targeted towards minorities, a greater political tactic to expand business influence looms on the horizon for global fossil fuel enterprises.

Issue Of The Week: Koch’s Emotional Campaigning
Woodworking Network

Corporate gains now have grabbed hold of emotion as a new political strategy.

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Koch Enterprises, one of the biggest global corporations that manipulate fossil fuel throughout the world, has entered a market with a tactic that doesn’t include injecting doubt into the minds of the masses about global warming. This time, a more emotional approach has been utilized, and it’s manipulating the hearts of minorities.

First and foremost, they are attempting to steal the hearts of minorities through selectively providing free paid electricity bills as well as preaching to the public, providing monetary support in turn. This emotional campaign attempts to utilize and manipulate the hardships of socioeconomically marginalized people of color to fuel the agenda of further dependence on fossil fuels so the corporation can generate more revenue. But it does not end there.

The Koch Brothers have also funded college students of color who are in debt through the form of scholarships as well as charity funds. The Charles Koch Foundation, the charity foundation under the Koch Brothers, have recently provided 25 million dollars to the United Negro College Fund, as a tactic once again to utilize emotional appeal and philanthropy to push an agenda. But what’s wrong with philanthropy?

The Problematic Implication

This has a great impact on environmentalists as well as the future of the Earth. As the Koch Brothers are effectively using an emotional appeal to minorities as a way to court the support of minorities, they attempt to proliferate the influence of their corporation and have it take priority over major concerns about the environment that are presented. It simply operates as a way to further business in the face of philanthropy by pandering to the emotional appeal of the public, pulling wool over their eyes about the actual intentions of the corporation.

Such practices can be considered greatly harmful, particularly in the face of the upcoming United States Presidency. A large population believes that condemnations of such practices is merely reflective of the ideological inconsistency of the “liberal agenda.” However, when practices such as this attempt to veer on the edge of deception with a guise of philanthropy mixed in, not only does it give philanthropy a bad name, but it also casts a shadow on the real issue at hand.

The Looming Future

Overall, this type of support cannot be restricted, as philanthropy is generally encouraged. However, the precedent it sets is highly problematic. The ideology that is provided to other grand corporations is that they can also take similar actions and manipulate the support of the general population using philanthropy as means to manipulate populations and their empathy. The choice of manipulating marginalized minorities is especially a cruel move, since they are desperate for help in certain circumstances where their forms of sociopolitical marginalization effectively place them in the bottom of the economic as well as political ladder.

Overall, this is a bad sign for politics of the marginalized, as they are being dragged by the nose once again for the benefit of large scale corporations.

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