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In Home Safety

Is your best interest really at the forefront of business?

In Home Safety
Winter Ask

With access to so much information across a plethora of platforms, American families have become increasingly aware of the dangers of chemicals in everyday household items including, but not limited to, cleaning supplies, plastic containers, formaldehyde and flame retardant in furniture, and cosmetics. What is the immediate threat that all of these necessary products have on our health? What are the long term implications? What can we do to reduce the risk of exposure to our families?

The rise in chemical use in our country has slowly, but quickly, creeped into our everyday lives. The reasoning behind this is low cost, lack of education among consumers and lack of federal regulation due to big business lobbying. The endless cycle consists of the American people continually supporting these big business due to the need of the products that these companies offer. The more we support these businesses with our money, the easier it is for these companies to keep control of the legislation and laws that are (or are not) passed regarding safety and health. This brings me to my first question: What is the immediate threat to our health as everyday American families?

The most common argument given by big businesses regarding our health is that we are only subjected to extremely low levels of these chemicals and, therefore, is not a danger. However, recent studies have shown that even the lowest level of exposure is dangerous and can impact our health. Consistent health issues include a rise in cancer, diabetes in children, endocrine disruption, infertility, and many more. Many of these can be an immediate consequence, or they can develop over time. Regardless, the lie that the low exposure is not harmful is exactly that; a bold, flat out lie to the American people. And for what? Profit. Simple and true.

This brings me to my next question: What are the long term implications? First and foremost, if this doesn't affect your health, it will 100% affect the health of your children and future generations. The path that we are on can only get worse if we don't take action. Life expectancy will go down; quality of life will be greatly reduced solely with use of medications and rise in health problems; and big businesses, including the food industry, medical industry, and cosmetic industry, will remain in control of health and regulation laws, completely stripping the voice of the people away.

Everything I have just stated makes our situation seem extremely grim. The sad part is that it will stay grim if nothing changes. So, what action can we take to not only improve the health of ourselves, but save the lives of our future children and keep big business from controlling the American people? There are a few options available, and every little bit helps. No matter how small you think your contribution is, it makes a huge impact! First, do not support these businesses by buying their products. Do your research and educate yourself. Discover what companies do and do not have your best interest in mind. Secondly, help make your fellow Americans aware of these subtle, yet very serious dangers!! This can be as simple as telling your mom, or sister, or best friend. Thirdly, take action yourself! Find activist groups and get in front of congress. Help present bills that create effective change in our laws and regulation.

The future of our children is at risk, and we need to stop burying our heads in the sand and trusting what the media and doctors are telling us. Below is a list of companies that you can support to help spark the change our country needs.

COSMETICS: Beautycounter

CLEANING SUPPLIES: Norwex; 7th Generation; White Vinegar (not a company, just the plain old product.)

FOOD: Only buy from local farmers and organic! I know this can get expensive, but you're paying more in health than you are in dollars, plus you're are supporting local businesses, which is great for the economy and shuts down processed food companies.

There are more options out there, so do your research and get up off the couch and take action!!!

With love and sincerity,


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