The Implosion Of Donald Trump
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The Implosion Of Donald Trump

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." -Maya Angelou

The Implosion Of Donald Trump

On Friday night, the entire nation finally saw the monster that Donald Trump really is. Even republicans were appalled by Trumps demeaning comments towards women, describing what he feels he has the right to do because he’s a “star.” What Trump described was sexual assault. Plain and simple. You can attempt to dismiss his comments as “locker room talk” or “old comments from 11 years ago” but the truth is, he was a 59-year-old man, newly married, with a pregnant wife at home. He knew he had a mic on (just not a hot mic) and didn’t care. He demeaned and degraded women and showcased classic predatory behavior. His behavior was and is reprehensible and inexcusable. There is no defending it and for those that like to bring up Bill Clinton or find other ways to deflect, this is the man running for president now. He should be held to such a standard that the highest office in the land deserves.

To the republicans who still continue to stand by him and those who I have seen on my timeline justifying his actions and their vote for him, you disgust me. To those republicans who are now backing away because they disapprove of his comments, where were you when he called Mexicans rapists? Where was your disdain when he mocked a disabled man? Where was your disgust when he attacked a Gold Star family? You are only backing out now because you realize how much of an unintelligent fool you now appear to be. You are only protecting your career and image rather than the country. And to those that want Pence to take Trump's place, he’s just as hateful towards women, but he chooses to hide behind legislation instead. This “locker room talk” is who Trump really is. Wake up people. A vote for Trump is a slap in the face to every woman in your life.

If you need further explanation as to why Trump's words are so vile, just ask the 9.7 million women and counting posting their sexual assault stories under #notokay. Every single woman I know has at one point or another experienced sexual assault, whether that be someone grabbing them as Trump described or worse, we all have our stories. To be touched in any way without consent is an indescribably horrible feeling and when I heard this tape I felt sick to my stomach. Trump is the literal embodiment of rape culture, hatred, bigotry, and racism. If you are still choosing to vote and follow Trump, you are a sheep and have rightfully earned the title of deplorable.

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