GoodWill Thriftin': Top 6 Finds
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GoodWill Thriftin': Top 6 Finds

Only got $20 in my pocket....

GoodWill Thriftin': Top 6 Finds

Promoting the welfare of others, philanthropies exist on an international scale, supporting various causes as well as goods and services to those who need them  most.   

Created as a non-profit organization, Goodwill industries was founded in 1902 by Reverend Edgar J Helms. Intricately woven into community-based programs, Goodwill provides jobs to those in need as well as second hand clothing and goods for customers to buy. 

Funded by a massive network of retail thrift stores, Good Will’s key virtues are: 

1. People 

2. Planet 

3. Performance 

Operating in 16 separate countries, Goodwill earns more than $4 billion annually and uses this money for services that provide employment, training and support to more than 4.2 million individuals that help keep the Goodwill cooperation alive.   

At the University of Georgia, volunteering at Goodwill is one thing, but visiting it is an experience in of itself. Macklemore’s obsessed with it, and everyone else seems to be doing. Diving into aisles filled with relics of the past, here are the top 6 things that you’re obsessed with about thrifting:  

1. Hawaiian Shirts: Who doesn’t love a good Hawaiian shirt? When searching through the treasure trove of items that are scattered in Goodwill, you are GUARANTEED to discover a shirt covered in flamingos or pineapples worn on a cruise from long ago. Perfect for any tropical themed social, on average a fraternity or sorority girl will have at least 3 of these in various colors on constant rotation for their Thursday nights.   

2. America T-shirts: Whenever you’re out on the town and wearing something patriotic, 9/10 times it probably derived from your local Goodwill. From low-key American flags, to fierce looking Bald Eagles, Goodwill delivers the perfect plethora of random patriotism that most of us can’t fathom.   

3. Tacky Christmas Sweaters: It’s beginning to look a lot like…Tacky Christmas Sweater season. Around the time of November to December, everything begins to look a lot more colorful and filled with itchy, second-hand sweaters. If you’re look for Rudolph or perhaps even Jolly Old Saint Nick himself, Tacky Sweaters’ headquarters can be found directly at the UGA Goodwill.          

4. Tacky Prom Dresses: Once a year for various socials, be it Tacky Prom or Italian Wedding: 80’s prom dresses are a necessity. Instead of raiding your mom’s closet for a second hand dress with too many ruffles, it’s the obvious choice to venture towards Goodwill and find the most moth-ridden outfit possible.     

5. Flannels: Considered the most functional and actually wearable of outfits, flannels are the most fashionable piece of clothing that can derive from Goodwill. If you’re buying a flannel from Lucky, Free-People or any name brand store: you’re doing life wrong. On a cold October morning, there’s nothing quite like an oversized flannel and leggings to make your walk to class bearable. Worn to family reunions, date nights and the occasional outdoor adventure, a flannel from Goodwill is an investment for a lifetime.      

6. Dad Sweaters: Big hoodies are the best, but big sweaters are in a league entirely of their own. Dad may have his own private stash of sweaters, however instead of raiding his closet every winter break, Goodwill provides you with the opportunity to invest in some sweaters of your own. Considered to be the comfiest of sweaters, their oversized sleeves and swallowing layers really just can’t be beat.

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