Porter Robinson and Madeon have never been shy about their support for one another. They’ve both referenced each other as an inspiration since the beginning of their careers, so it wasn’t a huge surprise to fans when they decided to team up for their single Shelter. The single is a perfect collaboration of their individual styles and I think it’s safe to say it tugs on everyone’s heart strings.
There aren’t too many U.S. show dates left in the Shelter Live Tour, but if you happen to live near one I’m begging you to go. I thought the single itself was the biggest gift to Madeon and Porter fans, but that was until I saw the live show. After seeing Porter’s Worlds Tour several times back in 2014 and then Madeon’s Adventure Tour back in 2015, I knew this show was going to be unmissable. All I can say is, I was right. It was the most visually fantastic show I’ve ever seen (and that’s coming from someone who saw Worlds Tour 3 nights in a row). On stage they’re both set up with a mics, keyboards, drum pads, mixers, and launchpads (amongst probably so much more), and both sing a fair amount throughout the show, even singing songs by the other. Porter and Madeon have an extraordinary synergy on stage and it fills the room with an energy I can’t put into words.
After already seeing the show twice (once in DC and once in NYC) I impulsively bought 2 tickets to the the second night at Madison Square Garden and took a friend. About 30 minutes into the set my friend hugs me and says “this is so beautiful” and I thought I was going to start bawling my eyes out right then and there. After meeting old fans and new fans, and seeing kids with their parents, I realized that this was an electronic show for anyone and everyone. Not one person in the room didn’t feel the uplifting energy Madeon and Porter created on stage, and I'll fully admit I shed a tear each night I saw it. I might sound like a huge fangirl, and I won’t deny that I am, but Shelter Live Tour was my favorite part of 2016.
Click here for remaining tour dates
If you didn’t get a chance to see it, plug your computer into a big screen or some dope speakers and watch it here!