Gold isn't what it used to be. In the past gold used to be one of the valuable metals on Earth, but now not really. You can find gold anywhere on watches, phones, computers or clothing. Gold isn't rare anymore, it's just like every other metal.
Yes, computers and electronics have gold, and other precious metals, in them. Why is there one of the most precious and valuable materials in the world in your computer or your lighting adapter that you use to charge your iPhone at night. Well, because gold is the second best conductor of electricity, it can be turned, bent - anything can be done to it without it breaking, which makes it the perfect candidate for connectors on a circuit board by The Refining Company, Inc.
There is also the matter of other precious materials. Steel used to make the body of most computers. Aluminum and carbon fiber are also used to make the body of computers. But the motherboard is one of the most valuable components in a computer if you are looking for gold - that is it has gold connectors. Processors also are one of the more valuable items inside a computer. They have gold plated pins, but the older ones are the one you want to go for because they are ones that are bigger and in turn have more gold. What, you may ask, is gold, the same stuff your watch or your necklace is made from, doing inside a motherboard or any other computer component? Well, because gold isn't just the second best conductor of electricity but is also great for conveying information very quickly between components. Small wonder they use gold in RAMs, because your RAM needs to convey information very quickly.
Now let's move away from gold, and into something less valuable, like copper wires. Yes, they are not as valuable as gold or any other metal but they are more valuable than steel or even aluminum. Copper is not used in computers very much because, unlike gold, it is not fast enough and speed matters more than money. Remember when I said gold is the second best conductor of electricity? Well the very best conductor of electricity is silver, which makes it faster than gold at conveying information.
So why don’t computer manufacturers use silver instead of the more expensive gold? Well because unlike gold, silver isn't resistant to wear and tear, and can easily break. In today's age, because everything is changing so fast and manufacturers are coming out with newer, faster and more powerful products every couple of months, consumers keep upgrading to them. Computers don’t really need gold in them, because they are not being used that much; silver is sufficient. If computers manufacturers do switch to more silver than gold, it would mean that computers will be less reliable in the future.
So the next time you open up your computer, or charge your iPhone, remember there is gold in them. There are plenty of recycling companies that will give you money in turn of your precious metal, but don’t depend your life on it. It might be gold, but it is in very small amounts. You will need to have thousands of computers to make thousands of dollars.